Episode 13: The Futures fate

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After the gang makes it to Caitlyn and Natalie's house safely, Caitlyn's parents find them injured in Natalie's room. Trying to treat Vi, and Callan to hospitality Mrs. Kirraman still refuses to show kindness towards them. This frustrates Natalie, but thankfully Mr. Kirraman tries to calm her down and distract her. Afterwards, Vi comforts Natalie with her doubts and worries. Now all she has to worry about is the meeting with the councilors. Who within a single decision may crush this cities hope, and write them a fate that will change their future.

~Now onto the story~

Mrs. and Mr. Kirraman called for me not long after I was done showering. As I hobbled down the hallway with the help from one of the servants, they led me into the living room. The servant carefully placed me on the couched, I winced in pain. "Ahhhh, that hurts." I said as I grimaced. Mr. Kirraman gave me a sympathetic look. "I know Natalie, but can you please take off your coat and shirt, I need to see where those pieces were lodged in." Mr. Kirraman said, I nodded. I tried to take off my jacket but I winced, then gasped in pain. 

Mrs. Kirraman stared at me, Mr. Kirraman then tried to help me. "Here let me he-" but his wife cut him off. "Don't, let this be Natalie's punishment for taking Caitlyn away from us, getting her injured and then bringing those things in my house." She said as she glared at me then turned away. I felt my blood boil, "What did I ever do to you? All I ever did since I entered this house was listen to what you said, and did as you asked. I turned into the person you wanted! But not only did you end up treating me like shit, you couldn't even acknowledge your own daughters wishes and feelings!!" I yelled, "I did no such thing!" Mrs. Kirraman retored, I scoffed then laughed.

 "Why yes you did, and the fact your calling my brother and my friend a thing? When I also myself am from the undercity?" I scoffed, I stood up and walked to her. "That woman in my room right now. Was there for me, treated me with more respect and kindness then you ever have to me or your own child." I said, Mrs. Kirraman stared at me with spite in her eyes. "I saw you had potential, so I took care of you. Gave you a place to stay, and you dare raise your voice against me Mundo?" I widened my eyes, she use my Dad's last name.

 Meaning that it's my birth name. (idk if thats his actual last name) I looked down an smiled then back up at her. "Why yes, I do dare. After all, where I come from my Dad told me that I need to use my voice. Now are you guys gonna treat me?" I said as I walked back over to the couch. Mrs. Kirraman sighed, "Nice to know that the actual Natalie is in my house." she said as she smiled softly. I perked my head up, "....Was that all fake?!" I yelled. She nodded, "Just wanted to make sure that you were the real one." she said laughing at my the look on my face.

 I felt upset yet relieved that she didn't mean any of it. Mr. Kirraman sighed and took off my jacket. "When I heard her idea I thought she went mad, but when I realized that they've been disguising enforcers to go into peoples homes as people they know to find who was involved in the Hex stone being stolen. I agreed." Mr. Kirraman said as he folded my jacket. I took off my shirt "They've been doing what now?" I asked, shocked from what I was hearing. I then sharply inhaled. "This is gonna hurt Natalie." Mr. Kirraman said, "Yeah no shit, and we still have to get my legs." I said agonizing what was in store for me. 

~time skip~

"Fuck!" I yelled as I was laying on my bed, I was in so much pain from taking out tiny pieces og metal in my legs and back. Caitlyn was laying next to me she turned towards me "You ok?" she asked, I shook my head "Noo, I feel like some one just ripped out my spine and liver and handed it to me while saying 'I hope you had a good day Ms. Kirraman!'" I said as I groaned. Caitlyn stared at me "Well, ok then. I knew I felt bad, but not that bad." she said. I groaned "Of course you wouldn't, it was in just one part of your leg." I said, I then felt the bed shift I looked to see who it was and I saw Vi.

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