Chapter 5. The HPSC

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Endeavour was waiting for Touya in the hallway. Touya got his bag of the floor and walked over to the huge man. they got to the door and there where the 2 men from yesterday waiting for him by the car. Touya found the men creepy and didn't want to go but Endeavour kept pushing him forward until they reached the car.

''Get in the car.'' Endeavour said as he looked over to the men in black suits and they said some things Touya couldn't hear.

Touya sat in the car and looked back at his house that slowly disappeared in the horizon. he hated Endeavour for this, he hated Endeavour for taking him away from his family, he hated Endeavour for using him, he hated him for ignoring his family, he just hated him so much, he swore he'd never forgive Endeavour.

The car stopped late in the night in front of a big black skyscraper. they got out of the car and Touya followed them, they went inside and walked for a while until they reached a small room there stood one single bed.

''put on some pajama's on and go to sleep.'' one of the men told him.

Touya felt tired and miserable he didn't want to talk so he just followed the orders and went to sleep.

the next morning

Touya had trouble sleeping so he woke up early. he looked at himself in the mirror his scars where everywhere on his body and his hair was almost fully white. after putting on bandages he looked around the tiny and dark room, he saw a tracksuit lying on the chair and put it on.

He heard knocking and opened the door, there stood another man in a black suit.

''Follow me Touya'' said the man.

Touya did as told he stood up and followed the man. he was a bit afraid of what might come.

Touya walked in a training room he looked around and saw a man in a black tracksuit.

''Come closer, and show me about you're quirk.'' the man in the tracksuit said.

Touya moved closer to the man as he heard the door behind him close.

Touya showed the man his blue fire quirk.

''But it will burn me if i use it for to long'' Touya said unsure if it was the right thing to say.

''Let's see if we can make sure you can use you're quirk longer then now at the end of the month. okay?'' the man in the tracksuit forced a smile.

''You'll see the other people in this program in about one week or so.'' the man smiled creepily. his voice now sounded irritated.

Touya backed up a bit afraid of the man in front of him.

''You can go now, and call me sensei!'' the man looked while Touya left the room.

Touya walked to his room.

'''There are other children here?'' he thought but decided he'd find out in a week.

Back at his tiny room Touya refreshed the bandage, that had been burned and walked shaking to his bed and went to sleep holding on to the bracelet Fuyumi gave him.

Hello!! how are you today it's the writer here just want to thank you for reading this

Wordcount: 503

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