chapter 13. Confrontations pt. 3

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''I think they might get in!'' Keigo whispered.

''We need to be ready to fight'' Touya muttered under his breath.

Keigo could just hear it and prepared himself. he could hear locks unlocking one by one.

'Hey Ku help me i can't get this one open!!'' Shirumi was very pissed off she had wanted Touya (because of his quirk) for some time now.

''Oh now you can't do it huh!!'' the man who's name supposedly was Ku screamed back.

Ku got very irritated. he had wanted this little boy and the extra-ordinary he had for so long. he had wanted it since they came to pick Touya up from his house. Ku sat down and struggled to unlock the door.

''I think they'll be in in some minutes!" Keigo who was already nervous now trembled.

''I didn't expect this to happen!! why do i have to be involved!! those people are way better than us!! they are teaching us darn it!!'' Keigo thought but then it came in him up he had never seen them fight...

''Wait i've never seen them fight. only instruct us... what if they are really bad at fighting!!'' Keigo cheered himself up in matter of seconds he was ready to fight whoever would burst trough the door!


the door flew open

two people walked in the room not prepared for two kids ready to fight.

''What??!!'' Shirumi looked shocked.

''I thought you said they where asleep!!!'' Ku shouted.

Keigo hesitated but quickly let his feathers surround the adults.

Shirumi and Ku both looked at each-other only giving a nod as a sign. you could see they were trained well.

Touya activated his quirk and walked towards the adults (who had already freed themselves). with an threatening aura he walked up really close to Shirumi. Touya put his had wich was covered in blue fire closer to Shirumi's face.

Shirumi backed away right before a blue hand could reach her face. 

Shirumi remembered her own past just by looking at those beautiful flames. she remembered her grandma's flames. those flames that never hurt a soul.

''Grandma's flames... they were precious... but they burnt out... why! why. why. why!!! why did she get killed!! she never hurt somebody! not ever!!  still they killed her for no reason at all... because of that i will never let anyone with the same flames get hurt...! i'll never let you die!!    you wont be able to die anymore!!'' Shirumi's eyes flooded with tears she had never felt this bad and yet she was so happy. why? because she was going to experience her grandma's flames again!

Touya backed out and hid Keigo behind him when he saw Shirumi going crazy...

''Stay back she might use her quirk!!'' Touya shouted to Keigo they both withdrew. in the corner of Touya's eye he could see Ku approaching.

Keigo!! Ku is coming you know what to do right??!!'' Touya yelled to Keigo.

''Yeah i know!! just beat his ass right!'' Keigo said loudly.

Touya not hearing Keigo's words looked over to Shirumi who was activating her quirk.

(hey it's the writer here i'm going to explain Shirumi's quirk real quick. Shirumi has a flesh-eating plant quirk which basically means that she can turn her hands into those plants and eat things or capture things.)

Shirumi stormed over to Touya...

Hey! how are you liking the story so far. i know i said i'll upload less but i just can't even though i'm sick. well bye have a great time.

Wordcount: 536

in the flames {KeigoXTouya?}Where stories live. Discover now