Chapter 10. Thinking

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Touya walked in the lunch area....

''Touya!! come sit with us!!'' Haru screamed from the back of the canteen.

Touya walked over to Haru and Keigo. he waved and sat down next to them.

''Were where you!'' Haru talked softer this time so only the three kids could hear it.

Touya thought about his answer. he couldn't tell them what he just discovered not yet at least!

''The uh t-training went on longer then umm... then expected...!'' Touya said stuttering.

''Oh lord!! what happened to your arms!!!'' Keigo looked at Touya's arm with a shocked face.

Touya remembered that he used his quirk for fifty minutes, his arms must look unreal hurt even though there are bandages covering them up.

''Well i overused my quirk.'' Touya said calm like it was nothing

''In that amount of time??'' Keigo looked confused.

''Yeah, got a problem with it?'' Touya tried to intimidate Keigo. which seemed to work.

''No n-not at all'' Keigo was a bit shocked at how intimidating Touya was. he quickly looked over to Haru who also looked very intimidated by Touya...

'''Haru you never told us your quirk!'' Keigo changed the subject.

'''Well i'll tell you my quirk is de-'' Haru got cut off by the ringing of the bell, which meant the lunch was over.

Touya got up quick and walked over to his room. he sat at his desk looked at his red colored bandages and stood up. Touya walked over to the bathroom and took of the bandages. he looked at his arms and saw the skin slowly falling apart... he sewed his skin back together, while crying in pain of the needle sticking in and out of his arm. his eyes where red when he left his bathroom, the new bandage was still white.

Touya sat down at the desk again this time he got his notebook and started to write down his discovery and his thoughts about it.

''today i heard that my sensei wants to kidnap me... is kidnap the right word for this. it doesn't matter..'' Touya quietly continued.

''I don't know why exactly but they were talking about my quirk. what would they gain from my quirk though. i heard her talk to the man that had walked in and he said he wanted to look at 'those' beautiful flames all day long. i was horrified to hear someone say something like this over my quirk. after all my quirk is hideous even Endeavour said it and he's a pro hero!!!'' Touya got irritated, after a while he calmed down and went on with writing.

''The duo talked about taking me away. i couldn't move i was afraid of what was going to happen. i tried opening my eyes but they where to heavy to open. At last i could move i felt relieved as i saw the man run out of the room...'' Touya stopped writing thinking about next quirk training.

''I'm a little bit afraid of next quirk training but i'm sure i'm able to handle it!!'' Touya added.

Touya looked at the clock and calculated that if he went to sleep now he'd have 06:45 hours of sleep. he went to bed and fell asleep right when Keigo opened the door.

Keigo look over to Touya whom had just fallen asleep. he looked over to him with a tired look. Keigo walked over to the desk only to find Touya's notebook closed laying on it. he thought nothing of it and walked in his bathroom to put on his pajama's. he walked to his bed while looking over at the desk he became curious. he tip-toed over to the desk. he grabbed the notebook but in the process hit the desk.

Touya shot up when he heard a loud thumb and saw Keigo standing over at the desk.

''Are you okay?'' Touya asked with a sleepy voice.

''M-me?... yeah.. yeah i'm fine!'' Keigo became nervous. he quickly put the notebook away and went to his bed.

''Maybe tomorrow...'' Keigo thought closing his eyes and slowly falling in a deep sleep.

Hey hey!! how are you doing?? are you staying up past your bedtime? i know i am :)!!

Wordcount: 657

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