Chapter 16. Help and helping

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Keigo woke up by being shaken back and forth.

Touya had tried to wake up Keigo for almost half an hour now. he had tried talking, shouting, pulling, pushing of the blanket, taking away the pillow and even water but it didn't work at all. Just when he was about to give up on waking the boy he got the genius idea to shake Keigo back and forth. so that's how Keigo woke up.

''H-hey!! stop Touya!'' Keigo looked angry. 

Touya let go of Keigo and backed away a bit. Touya looked as the feathered boy walked to his own bathroom.

Keigo was still half asleep when he got dressed. he didn't wanna wake up, he just wanted to forget his existence and sleep all day. Keigo knew Touya was not going to allow that.

Touya looked over from the desk as he saw a very tired Keigo walk in the room.

''You good??'' Touya asked genuinely.

''I'm tired... why did you have to wake me up??'' Keigo was still mad at Touya.

''Because otherwise you wouldn't get out of bed ever again!'' Touya was frustrated, because he knew that Keigo was pretty unstable but Keigo didn't reach out for help.

''Let me never get out of bed again!!'' Keigo was so irritated that he could slap Touya.

A silence followed... none of them knew how to react to this. they both had bad experience in their pasts but someone wanting to kidnap is not something they have crossed before. they where both exhausted and still in shock...

Touya was worried about Keigo. he wanted nothing more then for his best friend to be his happy and cheery self again. he knew that that would take time and that Keigo needed help. even if Keigo did not except it. Touya felt guilty for bringing Keigo in his mess... he knows that there wasn't much he could have done to avoid Keigo getting involved but still...

Keigo felt lonely. he wanted to be hugged right now. he didn't want to feel sad, exhausted and in shock because of some stupid people that wanted to kidnap his best friend... he felt mad... Keigo was mad at the kidnapper but he was also mad at Touya. 

''if Touya hadn't brought me into this i wouldn't feel like this...'' Keigo clenched his fist. he sat down on the bed.

At the same time Keigo realized, that he would have fought the kidnappers regardless of what Touya told him, how would he be mad at Touya if it was his own fault...?

''Can we cuddle?'' Keigo muttered loud enough for Touya to hear him.

''We can cuddle.'' Touya smiled. 

As Touya went to Keigo's bed to cuddle him he thought about, that this is how to help Keigo...

The boys cuddled for a while exchanging their story about the fight they had with the kidnappers.

''I fought the man and he had a regeneration quirk!!'' Keigo sounded proud and sad at the same time...

''And i fought the woman... she had a flesh eating plant quirk!'' Touya was happy that he could share his part of the story with Keigo.

''Hahahahaha... a flesh eating plant quirk?? that sounds so silly!" Keigo busted out in laughing.

after a while they both fell asleep in Keigo's bed...

Hey it's me, i hope you are doing good. just to let you know that i might not update in a week...

Wordcount: 531

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