Chapter 8. Family

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Hey guys, it's the writer i just want to tell you that HPSC is made to be like a school (my au) it's very different though. like you have big difference's but the base is the same. so what i wanted to say is the the kids get the schedule adjusted to them an example of this is: one person wakes up in the noon and one in the early morning and they eat at the same time but the one that wakes up at noon has to do school after the meal and the other on is already done. they all just eat at the same time. also they have 10 hours free time in one day (8 hours to sleep). the children have because of this most of the time no idea if it's night or day (they are not allowed outside much and there are no windows) unless they find a clock.

Touya had woken up very early but since it's a rest day, he didn't get up. instead he laid there in his bed thinking about his family. he left about 3,5 weeks ago now and he really missed his brother and sister.

''I hope Fuyumi and Natsuo are okay, Endeavour better not do anything to Shoto either!'' Touya thought of his little siblings. he couldn't help but feel bad about leaving them like this.

''I'll come back to help you guys!! if i survive this that is...'' Touya said with a soft but clear voice.

Keigo slowly woke up. he look over to Touya laying in bed muttering. 

''Touya? what are you doing??'' Keigo asked with a sleepy voice.

''I'm thinking about my family, i kinda miss my siblings...'' Touya answered him not to sure if he should've said that.

''Family? oh okay then. i don't have siblings so how does that feel??'' keigo asked avoiding his own memory's.

''It's very nice, we help each other with our problems and stuff.'' well helped until i went here ofcourse...'' Touya looked to the ground thinking of all the times Natsuo helped him bandages his chest and how fuyumi cooked dinner and stood up to Endeavour. then his toughts went to himself, what did he do for them... he couldn't think of anything! not a single thing at all, all Touya could think about was him causing trouble for his sibling by going with Endeavour. did Touya really do nothing good at all. he started to panic-

''So you guys were pretty close??'' Keigo's got Touya out of his thought and he quickly calmed down.

''Y-yeah we- we were very close and all...!'' Touya answered still a bit panicked.

''Hey Touya since we have a day of want to get to know each other's hobby and such!!'' Keigo said excited.

''Keigo you dumbass! i have the day off, you don't! look at you're schedule not mine!!'' Touya said not being mean but still trying to teach the birdman a lesson.

''You're schedule!! but then when does mine start?! oh no i'm gonna be late!!'' Keigo hurried to his bathroom.

''Don't worry so much, you have like a hour left!!'' Touya yelled to his roommate's bathroom.

''One hour!! you could've told me that earlier!! you dimwit!'' Keigo hurried either way.

''I could have but what's the fun in that.'' Touya responding to Keigo.

one hour later

Keigo just left for his training. Touya is laying in his bed holding on to Fuyumi's bracelet like it's his life. he is sobbing over his siblings...

''I miss them so much... i want to go home!! i want to leave this place! i hate Endeavour for putting me here!! i want my siblings to help me again...'' his thoughts raced trough his head...

''I didn't help my siblings enough!! is Shoto okay? what about Fuyumi and Natsuo?? why didn't i help them more!! how could i not help them!!?? what kind of brother doesn't help his little siblings!!'' Touya got angry at himself. 

Not knowing what to do with the emotions he hid himself under the blankets and waited till he calmed down. he came somewhat by senses when he heard the bell saying it's lunch time.

Touya went to the bathroom cleaned himself and went to the lunch hall. he met up with Keigo and together they ate.

''Touya? are you okay?? you look tired...'' Keigo asked a very normal question.

Touya completely shut down looking to his feet and started shaking his face in his hands hiding how horrified he became by such a simple question...

Keigo was in shock and didn't know what to do... all he could do was stare at the boy.

Touya started gasping for air, he was sure he could feel the walls coming closer. he brought his knees up to his face and let it rest in his knees. with his hands still covering his face...

Keigo remembered what he had to do when someone had trouble breathing.

''T-touya just listen to my breathing and repeat it o-okay!'' he whispered trying to sound calm

Touya looked over to Keigo and tried to hear his breathing... after a while his breathing went back to normal. though he was still devastated. he now looked around counting everyone there

''31 including us... 3 people already failed...'' Touya counted the people knowing that it would give him rest but now he was rather worried about the fact the there where already three people gone.

''3 already, damn that's a lot for three weeks!!'' Keigo said loud enough for the person next to them to hear it.

''3 what??'' they asked from the table behind Keigo and Touya.

''3 people that failed.'' Touya said in a cold tone

''That's more change of me being the best!!'' they said.

''I don't think that's how it works becau-'' Touya couldn't finish his sentence.

''It's not?? then explain it to me!!'' they said enthusiastic.

''Well, it's like this. you were already better than the people who failed, cause they failed earlier than you. do you understand now?'' Touya said a bit irritated now.

''I understand now!! anyway my name is Haru and i'm 14 years old!! nice to meet you!!'' Haru sounded happy to meet new people.

''Nice to meet you to, my name is Keigo i'm almost 13 years and this is Touya he is already 13!!'' Keigo answered Haru happily.

The announcement that the mealtime was over came and everyone returned to there classes or rooms.

Touya found himself laying in bed thinking about his family again but he quickly abandoned the thought.

''I probably won't see them for three years, i'm allowed to be sad but it's been bringing me down ever since i came here!! i have Keigo now and i even met Haru today, i won't be lonely... for now'' Touya went to sleep with that thought.

Hey guys gals and non-binary pals!! just to say Haru is not a real canon character i made them up. you might have guessed but they are non-binary!! that's what i wanted to say. bye

Wordcount: 946

in the flames {KeigoXTouya?}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें