Chapter 7. Training

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Hey this is chapter 7 please read chapter 5 and 6 first. There was a problem and now 7 is in front of 5 and 6 somehow.

Touya woke up and saw his new roommate still sleeping since it was early he decided that he'd have time to shower, he walked to his bathroom and got in the shower after a while he heard Keigo get up.

Touya got out of the shower and started putting on his bandage.

knocking on the door

Keigo and Touya got up and followed the man in black.
They walked in separate training rooms. Touya saw a man in a black tracksuit standing in front of him.

"Lets get to training!" the man said.

Hours later the man said that Touya had trained enough. they were training his quirk, which surprisingly enough worked he could now use his quirk 5 minute longer. though his arms was so burned that on some places there no skin left was...

Touya was led to his room, while crying and being exhausted. he walked in his room and saw Keigo. who also looked very tired but wasn't bleeding like Touya was.

''What happened!!'' Keigo said, worried about his new friend.

''My quirk happened.'' Touya said, cold but with a bit of despair in his voice.

Keigo went to get bandages from his bathroom. Touya sat on his bed still crying in pain.

''Why does this have to happen to me?? why not anyone else? why me?! why! why! why!'' he angrily whispered. 

Keigo walked in the bedroom, seeing Touya trying to catch his breath. Keigo ran over to him calming him down.

''Calm down Touya just breathe, okay?'' Keigo said, trying to help but he forgot how.

''That...isn't...helping...'' Touya managed to say.

''O-okay just repeat my breathe then!!'' Keigo said panicking a bit.

Slowly Touya's breathing started to calm down. Keigo looked relieved, so relieved he gave the white haired boy a hug. Touya who was not expecting it, took some time to understand what happened. when Touya realized what Keigo was doing he hugged him back. after a while of hugging they both went to put on there pajama's. 

the next day

Touya woke later then usual, so he was in a hurry. he woke up Keigo and then rushed to refresh his band-aids. he put on the tracksuit and hurried to the door when he heard a knock. 

''Touya follow me.'' the woman in black said.

Touya followed the lady, coming out in another training room. there was another woman in this room.

''Today you'll be learning combat an material arts!!'' the lady said, with an excited look on her face.

Touya nodded slowly. he was confused about who the woman was excited.

at the end of the lesson

''Okay, i had a nice time you're really good!'' the woman said with a big smile.

''Thank you sensei. ihad a nice lesson to.'' Touya said.

When Touya was walking back he thought about the nice lady. 

''Why was she so nice?? she didn't need to be nice. she was really good to! i hope i can see her again!!'' Touya walked through the grey halls with a smile.

When Touya entered the room he could feel Keigo had not had a nice day. he sat next to him on the bed.

''Rough day?'' Touya asked, while looking down at his feet

''A bit...'' Keigo admitted also looking down.

''Can i help??'' Touya asked slowly.

''I doubt it, unless you can give me a normal live?'' Keigo chuckled a bit cheering himself up.

Touya made a joke about the adult here and they both laughed. they where making jokes all evening. laughing and joking Touya wished he could do it his whole life...

Yahoo!!!! it's me the writer you guessed it!! i'm here to tell you that you are so pretty!!!

Wordcount: 569

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