the bet

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3rd person pov

Tommy is dragging Wilbur to las Nevadas to try and make Wilbur stop being rude to quackity. As they walk the dark sky turns bright by the big flashing las Nevadas sign ' okay we are almost there you ready to talk to quackity Because you guys are flirting then fighting and it's almost as if yous are a old married couple which would make sense you even got a white streak in your hair' Wilbur groaned and looked up at the sign ' I have told you before it's complex. know shut up I'm pretty sure quackity doesn't want to hear what you just said' Tommy sighed and looked up to see quackity, who was standing next to the sign with Charlie. ' hi tom-' quackity slapped a hand over Charlie's mouth ' I told you that this is a stupid business thing, to make it seem more professional I need you to not say hello to everyone alright' quackity glared at Charlie while slowly removing his hand ' okay! ' quackity nodded and sighed ' hi Wilbur hello Tommy ' Tommy let go of Wilbur's hand allowing Tommy to run up to the sign to greet quackity. 'I know you told me that you were gonna have me and Wilbur talk again but I didn't think you would actually bring him here ' Tommy smiled and looked at his watch ' well I know you guys talk at late time in the day so I Brought him-' a hand was placed on Tommy's shoulder making a cold line go down his back. ' I'm sorry I don't know how he comes up with such silly ideas like how I'm the rude one here pfff anyway come on shorty where are we going' quackity glared at Wilbur while Tommy waited not so  patiently next to them. ' okay yous have fun I'm gonna keep looking around' Tommy ran off leaving Wilbur with quackity and Charlie ' so duckie you gonna take me to this stupid thing Tommy set up or are we just gonna stand here' quackity groaned and turned a tiny bit red from the name duckie. 'I would rather do what  Tommy said it's quite funny ' Wilbur raised an eyebrow and watched quackity walk down the path before speed walking to get next to him. ' why a strip club' Wilbur's eyes filled with disgust he didn't really like strip clubs ' maybe because he can't come in here' quackity opened the door and stepped back ' laddies first.

Time skip they sitting at a table with two drinks

' so Tommy thinks that gambling is gonna fix the relationship ' quackity smiled and started setting up the game while listening to Wilbur speak ' I love Tommy but why is this what he thinks will make us fucking I don't know what does Tommy what us to do' wbur sighed and sinked in too the chair ' I told him that we hang out at night only because he wouldn't shut up but it made it worse. He took it as a we fuck at night time and not as I care about your well-being' quackity smile more ' thank you for caring about my well-being. Tommy probly thinks that I hate you with a passion but I don't you're okay  for the most part'. Wilbur slid up his chair ' thanks ' quackity nodded and looked down at the table ' before we play what do you want if you win' wilburs lips curled up into a evil grin ' I want to join las Nevadas then you'll have to deal with me every day'
Quackity glared at Wilbur ' if I win you have to wear this shirt' quackity picked up a white shirt from the chair next to him and showed it to Wilbur ' daddy's little cum dumpster you have to be kidding ' quackity smiled ' the shirt could've been worse I mean this isn't even my shirt it just here and if you're going to complain I can  make you do something a lot worse then wear  a shirt all day ' wilburs face was slowly turning more and more red/pink ' okay whatever  start the game ' Wilbur cover his face with his hands making quackity laugh ' fuck you'

Time skip after game

' I don't want to wear that shirt' quackity smirked ' well you gotta a deal is a deal and you have lost six times know so I think it's pretty fair to say you lost' Wilbur groaned and glared at quackity 'leave those groans for daddy you don't want to voice less after one round' quackity smirked and waved bye to Wilbur as he ran  to the bathroom covering his face with his hands. As quackity waited he noticed a outline of something reflecting on the table making him look up to see Tommy ' Tommy what are you doing here man' Tommy smiled ' the guards said that they would let me in since the stripers are gone it's two in the morning ' quackity smiled ' time doesn't matter what matters is how ......... Your brother looks' Tommy blinked confused but truned around to see Wilbur wearing his normal clothes but instead of his jumper it was a white T-shirt. ' what does it say? ' quackity stood up and walked past tommy.
' why the fuck is Tommy here ' quackity smirked ' he doesn't matter what matters is that you look way better than I thought you would look in that shirt' Wilbur moved his eyes to everything but quackity making quackity to grand his chin and force him to look him in the eyes ' you can come into my country tommor but you better be wearing this shirt because then we can have a meeting and after the meeting I'll see what I can do to let you in the country' quackity pushed Wilbur against the wall and kissed him. ' do you understand ' Wilbur was to in shock to answer only replying in ' y-a'. Quackity raised one of his eye brows while slowly digging his knee in between wilburs legs making Wilburs breath become more heavy ' i-  gah~' quackity smirked and leaned forward making his knee dig into wilburs 🧍'quAcKiTy~ f-fu' quackity placed his hand over Wilburs mouth and kept digging his knee into wilburs clothed 🧍. All the could be heard was fabric rubbing against fabric and wilburs muffled moans. ' you're such a slut how did I not notice this before ' quackitys smirked truned into a smile when Wilbur lifted his head up wards while arching his back ' QUACKITY~' because of Wilbur moving his head quackitys hand wasn't over his mouth. Wilbur was blushing like crazy and just standing there while quackity kissed and sucked on wilburs neck. After a few more muffled and quite moans a voice was heard ' what the fuck' wilburs eyes shot open and quackity just stayed still ' I knew you guys were a thing! But like damn I didn't think yous would have sex in front of me' quackity laughed loudly and fell to the floor while Wilbur slid down the wall. Tommy walked in front of the two and sat down next to quackity ' I'm si telling philza ' wilburs calm expression truned into a worried one ' no you can't do that! ' but it was to late Tommy was already at the doors running. Wilbur sighed ' I'm gonna kill Tommy when I find him' quackity smiled and sat up ' how about we relax and have a round two at my house I'll make you some food before round two tho ' Wilbur blushed and dig his face into his knees ' yeah I would like that' quackity smiled  and sat next to Wilbur hugging him ' I love you' Wilbur lifted his head and kissed quackity on the lips ' I love you more'


I suck at grammar and spelling so I'm extremely sorry  if some things are weird. Btw this is my second smut ever so it's pretty bad but we don't need to talk about that 🔥😃🔥

I hope that everyone who is reading this has a good day❤

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