say no to this

876 13 24

there's like death and blood here so if you don't wanna see that then like bro don't read to the end or just don't read this 😄😁👍

Okay so you know Hamilton? Of course you do and if you don't......i have no words for you anyway I was listing to the song say no to this and was like hmmm what if I made this into a fan fiction or like one shot so that's what I'm doing😁.

( btw this has nothing to do with lore and it doesn't really line up with lore shit but that doesn't matter just shut up<3, also I watched the arc stream and bro😀 it's lovely 🥰)

Quackitys been stressed lately when your a president of a country it's hard so with a long week of no sleep under his belt and missing his ex finances a familiar voice is heard from the office door, to quackitys surprise it's Wilbur crying?

( Sally has been starting fights with Wilbur and decides to plays a trick on him. also in this Sally is a shape shifter and isn't the nicest person out there)

Wilbur's pov
Tears fall from my face as Sally screams and yells at me ' STOP FUCKING RUNNING OFF, YOU MADE LA'MANBURG AND JUST DIED YOU HAD POGTOPIA AND KNOW YOUR FUCKING STARTING A VAN THING!? I UNDERSTAND I WASN'T THERE FOR FUNDY AND I'M NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU BUT FOR ONCE SUCK UP YOUR PRIDE AND AND BE A ACTUALLY GOOD HOUSE HUSBAND! I NEED TO DO MY OWN SHIT AND WHEN I COME HOME THE HOUSE IS DIRTY AND DISGUSTING' I sigh as Sally catches her breath slowly sitting next to me and rubbing my thigh ' I understand a disgrace like you finds it difficult to spend time with his wife but how am I meant to have fun when I have to clean the house and watch as you build more and more "safe places" just for them to be blown up or torn down just give up already and be the slut you are, clean the house, cook dinner do the things you are meant to do! '. I sniff quietly maybe I should give up I mean everything I try to do fails so sure why not, I take one last breath before closing my eyes. ' I'll stay at home' Sally smiled at me and slapped me ' don't ever forget your place' I feel my face burn from the pain and I slightly hissed ' you're destined for great things Wilbur and I believe one day you will give up and do what you were born to do, be a good husband' . I sigh and nod as Sally smiled and stood up pulling me up with her ' come let's sleep today's been a huge one! ' Sally drags me to our room and throws me on the bed ' by us I meant you, you have a long day ahead of you I don't! ' Sally walks out the room and truns the light off leaving me alone in complete darkness.

Wilbur's pov
I wake up slowly groaning as it's only 11:30 as I get up I notice the house is quite hm maybe Sally left early! Anyway I should clean because if I don't she will kill me which isn't too grand.

Nobody's pov
Wilbur cleaned for a few hours before he realised it was 6 and Sally was no where to be seen, a confused and hungry Wilbur decided on making dinner just in case she got home and complained about it . After finishing dinner it was 6:36 Wilbur realised that Sally was probably not at work since she normal came home at 5, in a fit of outrage Wilbur cried and screamed being upset about the fact that the only person he has ever "loved" kept playing him and kept controlling him. The clock strikes 7 and Wilbur's on the floor sobbing still, all he wanted was to be loved by Sally but to no avail Sally didn't love him she actually hated him. Wilbur stood up and blowed his nose trying to think of someone he could talk to or someone he could hang out with and after getting dressed in his regular outfit he settled on quackity.

Quackitys pov

I haven't heard from Wilbur in three days which is weird he normally shows up every day but whatever. As I finish signing my last paper I head a knock *yawn* 'q-quackity ca-*sniff*can I come in' my eyes widen in shock ' yeah of course! '.

Nobody's pov
Quackity stood up to see Wilbur enter the room he was crying ' I know you are man honor I'm so sorry to bother you at home But I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone'. Wilbur paused and sighed ' My wife's doin' me wrong beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me suddenly she's up and gone! I don't have the means to go on' quackity sighed and hugged Wilbur rubbing his back ' you want me to walk you home? I can make sure you're okay and such I'm sure same wouldn't mind' Wilbur blushed and nodded. Quackity and Wilbur arrived at Wilbur's house both sighing at the same time ' so you got money for food or are you still broke' Wilbur's content smile turned into a frown ' oi! I'm not broke I just don't have money at the moment' quackity laughed and handed Wilbur a 30 ' I know it isn't much but I don't really keep my money on me I only have my credit cards and such' Wilbur nodded and thanked quackity. 'So uh you want to come inside? ' quackity smiled and nodded as he followed Wilbur inside. For some reason quackity was horny, both the males where cuddling on the couch watching a movie but since Wilbur was wiggling a lot and had his knee rested near quackitys "friend" he accidentally made quackity horny. 'What's poking my knee ugh ' Wilbur groaned and wiggled again only this time hearing a small groan from quackity, looking up at the male embarrassed he blushed a deep red as quackity just started into his eyes ' s-sorry I uh didn't know that was your 🧐' Wilbur hid his face in quackitys chest blushing like crazy but in doing this he pressed his knee into quackitys cock 'f-fuck~' Wilbur's eyes widen and he quickly moved back covering his face with his hands making quackity laugh. ' you know this could just be the tiredness but I really want to fuck you' Wilbur smirked as he thought quackity was joking ' then why don't you' quackity smirked and picked Wilbur up making his smirk slowly turn into a open mouth 'i- I was joking! ' quackity throwed Wilbur onto the bed and smiled ' well do you want to keep going? ' (sex ??!?!???) Wilbur blushed as quackity smirked looking down at him ' ye-yes ' quackity started to undress himself ' that's what I thought, know get naked love'

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