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I'm bored so I'm giving yous this shit story it's from December 👀 so like it's two months old 😟 but whatever it's short and weirddddd have fun ig? 🧍bitch idk


Wilbur's pov
'I've been thinking a lot about quackity and how he's treated me ' I pause to look over at ranboo. 'Wouldn't you agree? He's been real nasty and honestly just a bitch so why don't you help me sort him out hm? '. I smirk as I raise my eye brows at the very worried boy ' come on! He's been treating you like shit as well, this isn't just some one sided thing! Besides he's been getting too cocky he's needs to be reminded that's he's just a vice president, a nobody, a stuipd small disgusting-'

Nobody's pov
Wilbur gets cut off by quackity himself ' ah! Wilbur it's always such a pleasure to see you here but as much as I would love to hear all about this plan of yours I honestly don't want to' Wilbur glared at quackity ' fuck off will ya? You're so loud about how much you hate me but you still have the nerve to approach me and talk to me?, my, my ,my I think you might be lying about hating me! '. Quackity scoffed as he removed his hand from Wilbur's shoulder ' just because I hate you doesn't mean I'll just not talk to you, have you forgotten YOU ARE IN MY COUNTRY ' quackity grabbed Wilbur's hand and truned him around to face him. ' THIS ISN'T LA'MANBURG' quackity slapped Wilbur ' YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF NOTHING' quackity kicked Wilbur ' I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU CAN STILL BE SO BITCHY WHEN YOU'RE IN MY LAND AND ALL I HAVE DONE IS TRY TO BE NICE' quackity slapped Wilbur hard across the face. 'Fuck~' Wilbur's breathe was heavy and he was looking down as quackity glared at him with a disgusted look ' you have to be kidding me ' quackity grabbed Wilbur's chin forcing the man to look at him.

Wilbur's pov
Quackitys surprisingly large hands were rapped tightly around my neck making me look up at him. ' wow you really have gone weak! You can't even be slapped without getting hard can you? That's adorable' quackity smirked at me making me slightly blush, I mean he isn't wrong I use to be able to control myself ' get the fuck out of my country, I would love to see you tommor so we can talk about all of this but I'm only free at 6:30 so you better be quick and on time'. I nodded as quackity harshly let go of my chin ' ow! ' quackity laughed and walked away leaving me horny and with a very confused ranboo . ' so uh what just happened?' I scoffed glaring at ranboo ' this is what I mean, he's so fucking ahead of himself! ' ranboo sighed and looked off to the side ' he's a walking 2nd place trophy and he never acts like it! It's fucking pissing me off ' I grabbed ranboos hand and smiled. ' listen think about it, come here by 6:30 I'll have the meeting with Mr fancy pants and we can meet up at the van to plan ' ranboo smiled and nodded ' great! I'll see you tommor ranboo' I let go of his hands and started to walk off.

Time skip 6:30

Wilbur's pov
I'm walking to quackitys office dressed in the usual outfit I wear . I sigh as I open the door slowly ' hi quackity ' I smirk as quackity glares at me. He's surrounded by tons of paper work and books I can't help but laugh. ' yeah I get it Laugh at the drained,tierd duck! '.I dusted myself off as I walked to sit on the chair across from quackity ' yeah whatever '. Quackity glared at me and groaned ' and you're for the meeting right? ' i nodded as he chuckled ' well I just wanted to say, we have been so confusing recently' i stop moving and look into quackitys eyes smiling ' confusing! How so ' I couldn't help myself I was interested, I've always wanted a some what friend ship with quackity but the farthest I have gotten is kissing him but that isn't friendship that's a relationship. ' I don't know it's just we both snap so often and fight for what we believe so I've decided that we should just say it out loud, what we want to be' I chuckled quietly as I let my head drift to the side. ' so you're saying you want to be friends? ' quackity glared at me and rolled his eyes ' what dose it matter? It won't benefit you in anyway shape or form' I smiled to myself thinking about how wrong he is, he's so ,so, so wrong if we were friends then I could get his trust which means I could hurt him and making him fall all the way back to stepping stone one or I could enjoy an actual friendship with someone but I'm pretty sure he has a plan as well. ' sure I'll get nothing but you! I'm sure everything would come falling into place' quackity laughed ' I don't know, all the time when we have a relationship it's just for business or work ' quackity pause before sighing and looking at me. ' if you have some big plan that us being friends would benefit that, I plead you to just do it and get it done with so that we can settle down and talk about what's going on '. I felt myself smile, he trust me 'well uh I do have one small plan but I promise we can be friends after I do it! I mean I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity' quackity smiled and nodded. ' get your plan done and then come back to me so we can just calm down kinda like our little smoke talks ' I started to chuckle ' I'll make sure to contact you so we can arrange a meeting to just talk' quackity nodded slowly . ' well go get some sleep it's ' quackity paused to look over at the clock ' oh my! We have been talking for quite some time it's uh 20 past 8' I felt my eyes go wide, I've been talking to quackity for so long oh god ranboo is going to kill me ' oh uh do you have somewhere to be? Sorry for keeping you so Long' I smiled and shock my head as I started to grab my things and walk to the door ' it's fine, I enjoyed the chat! Sadly I was planning on meeting up with a friend to discuss the plan with but it's fine' quackity nodded ' bye have fun' I smiled nodding my head while closing the door ' bye ' .

Ranboo pov
I've been standing here for so long it's been like an hour? Probably longer ' ranboo! ' finally I sigh as I turn around

Nobody a pov
Ranboo smiled at wilbur ' hi wilbur' ' hello ranboo' wilbur smiled before sighing. ' we must blow up las Nevada's quickly, I don't want anything to happen between now and when this stuips place blows up. Ranboo sighed but nodded ' did something happen? It's 8:40 and you seem more pissed then you were this morning' wilbur leaned against the burger van ' just write down stuff so that we can quickly blow up this place! I have things to do and I can't spend all my time and energy on ONE revenge task'. Ranboo nodded and grabbed the paper that was inside the burger van.

I TOLD YOU IT WAS SHORT 👹 anyway I have so many memes 😀 like my gallery is dying 💀 okay byeee😩

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