covid sucks

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Listen I understand badboyhalo doesn't swear and doesn't do blah blah blah but bro idk why but like the sus muffin remix is good I actually like it and all though I'll wake up in the morning and be like wtf why did I listen to this idc I like it at this moment 😎🖕I'm litterly yelling at my future self...... In a way you're like in the future like you ARE you're future self like every second goes by and you're a new you you're in the present and a second ago could trun into a year ago or I'll be sitting in my old chair blasting old songs from tiktok and youtubers and my kids will ask ' YO GRAM THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU' and I'll smile and tell them all about the dream smp, my little pony( bc I fucking lived that show), youtubers, how when I was their age I did nothing and wrote fanfics for years and dressed up while watching other people dress up and danced to songs that were used for memes that were about naked cat wemon from a game and I as I take my final breathe saying my last words. ' I never liked this earth, and I never liked yous please my beautiful healthy grand kids tell your grandma I hated her I fucking hate that bitch, tell her about all the pain she has done and I swear to God if she hurts you I'll be waiting in hell for her because I swear to God I will put her head on a stick and I will eat out her organs and make her give birth to spring trap like that really weird bit in the fnaf book and I will destroy her with all my power and will to the point that Jesus will look at me and will be shocked and I'll trun into God himself and destroy millions of shit people  I'll make sure her life's a living hell just along side many, many other people and as they scream and cry I'll laugh as the fire and demons dance around them leaving them yet again dead for another one of their sad pathetic lives. But I'll always be here, as mortals live on the family name of terror will never end as we will tell stories about what happens down under and as they laugh years later you will get your revenge and yous will join me in hell laughing at those who have done so much harm to the earth that they deserve to being for the rest of their days, I'm not talking about someone who insulted you once I'm talking about people who have been around you for years because we don't want to kill the wrong dude do we? Well don't worry everyone deserves to die and everyone has done at least one bad thing and just some people or worse then others and as I tell you this please keep in mind that we are just as equal as any other person, know no one wakes up and decides to be a bitch but you could slip and end up being a not a great person that day or maybe even a week who knows but what I do know is that once you realise that you are in the wrong take a day or two to plan out how to apologies and Don't be afraid to apologize, sometimes the other person could still be mad about it or sometimes the other person wants something more than a sorry and if they do want something more just ask them what they want and something some time with make it up to them. Don't spend most of your life being depressed and gloomy tell that one bitch that they are being a bitch go out have fun and if you're Lucky enough you might not have an anger you might not sit and watch people burn in hell, but that doesn't mean you won't see me again at some point the anger should calm down and we will be released birthed or just chill in the sky idk '. I'll fall back in my chair dead and my children will look at me being both confused and scared I JUST REALIZED WHAT I WROTE BROOO wtf 😀🤨 hello? What am I an actor? Tf is this shit it's 10:12 and I'm re reading this like wtf what the actual fuck? Am I a writer 😳 YOOOOO BITCH SIT THE FUCK DOWNNNN I'M A REVENGE FILL GHOST YOOOOO I fucking wrote this yesterday 🥱 like why tho it's weirddddd ANYWAY.
What bro I fucking changed the plot- I was talking about how I liked the song and then started talking about whater the fuck being dead and burning people is?

(LISTEN 2.0 BC I FAILED I FORGOT WHAT I WANTED TO SAY) I tried to make this like serious but bro writing at night is like difficult for me so or even just like texting or typing without knowing what to write it's shit LIKE BRO I SAY WORDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN and then fucking add emojis I'm everything I hated when I was like six. I'M GOING TO STOP BEFORE I RAMBLE ON again 😟

Slay pussy slay

Okay but bitch I don't care what people say my mind still hasn't changed since the musical came out, SHE'S BEAUTIFUL

Okay here's  the tea or whateva idk fucking James Charles? I want to sleep I've been running on two hours of sleep, monster energy drinks , songs and a shit ton of youtubers.
No but for real I have become what six year old me hated I say y'all like I hate dthat word ANYWAY BACK TO WHAT IS IMPORTANT.

Okay so my mum went to her boyfriends house while not knowing he has covid and came down this morning to give us our final few things that we need to read build and my mother only told us that she has covid till like a few minutes ago and everyone's pissed sooo we gotta go get covid tested tommor 😍. And I don't get to go to school on the first two days🧍which is like 😟idk bro I guess it's okay 😋 not to weird or anything but I kinda want to go to school only bc I can see my friends and fav teachers since I have most of my favorite teachers through out the days😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 idk hi I accidentally drank my sisters coffee mistaking it for my water bc for some I put water into a mug so I'm very AWAKE which isn't fun bc it's 9:29 and I have to get up at 6 bc the covid thingy is like half an hour away and dad wants to be the first in line bc he doesn't want to wait😋 which is fair uhhhhhhh I'm going to start a book and It's going to be filled with my rambles bc bitch I RAMBLE SO MUCH OML like if you opened my notes app you would be surprised I have fucking 96 notes just of my rambling and the rest is either smut or failed smut ( I only have 129 notes all together, yes I did count them all SHUT THE FUCK UP) . And as you can tell I have done a lot of rambling alone just in these little updates and sometimes in the stories idk I haven't read my stories 😳 should I do that? Do y'all do that? Like besides from re reading which we all know I do at fucking two in the Morning just to give it that extra bit of " I was high as shit while writing this" vibe. BACK TL THE MAIN THING mum and boyfriend has covid she came in contact with us and we all like oh nooooooo and have to go get tested tommor 😟 it fucking hurts so I'm excited to get a thing all up in my nose😿 ANYWAY BYE HAVE A NICE DAY OR NIGHT for me it's night<3 it's 9:40 bro I should sleep I gotta get up early THE FUCK AHHHH I'll probably be fine I can nap in the car or some shit idk. WTF IT'S 9:47 it took my seven minutes to write that one sentence!? Or did I space out🤨 tf is going on OKAY FOR REAL BYE BYE BYE EBYE BEYBLADE BYE BYE EBYE BEYBE BEY EBAY blood God? 🤨😀 EBEBEY BEY BYE BYE BYE

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