The Damn Magical Loli

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Male Shadow Voice #2: Before you abandon your duties you have already accepted, please consider the amount of time that has already been invested in this endeavor.

Rachel: Oh? I'm afraid I don't recall the precise amount...

Male Shadow Voice #1: Your response has been recorded and analyzed. We take it that your answer is "no".

Female Shadow Voice: How unfortunate. I had hoped things were going to be a little more enjoyable here again... Still, we had predicted that this would be your answer.

Male Shadow Voice #2: We have already began observation on the snake.

Rachel: Then you were responsible for Terumi's release.

Male Shadow Voice #1: Affirmative. We expect significant risk in the initializing the Destruction process.

Female Shadow Voice: He's really something of a maverick. Even we cannot govern him at times.

Male Shadow Voice #2: As such, we have prepared an exit strategy.

Rachel: Exit strategy...? Dare I ask what that might be?

Male Shadow Voice #1: Negative. We are unable to provide an answer to that query. Doing so would constitute unintended intervention.

Rachel widen her eyes.

Rachel: Then you truly want the world to be reduced to nothing?!

Male Shadow Voice #1: Nothing? Oh, don't be foolish. That would be pointless.

Male Shadow Voice #2: The world Tagamagahara creates simply needs to be correct. In such a world, there would be no need for the Master Unit. It will only cause distortion.

Male Shadow Voice 1: Affirmative. Distortions caused by the Master Unit are currently being considered along with other possible outcomes as a result of the Continuum Shift. The phenomena intervention of the Master Unit cannot be measured. As such, we spend too much time repairing it's mistake. We do not need any more... Accidents.

Female Shadow Voice: Affirmative. Tagamagahara will initiate reconstruction without the intervention of the Master Unit.

Male Shadow Voice #1: Once again, this world will be back in the Azure.

Female Shadow Voice: Affirmative. The Azure will inherit the Tagamagahara.

Male Shadow Voice #2: So long as the Azure exists, the world will exist as well, no matter what form it take.

All Shadow Voices: All forms of life, return to the world of the Azure.


It's been a couple of weeks since your little interaction with the green haired bastard, Yuuki Terumi. You weren't doing anything else with your time at Kokonoe's place so you started training with Ramia in the training room. Ramia was helping you with hand to hand combat

Ramia: C'mon Y/n, you can do better than that.

She throws a punch which you managed to dodge and lifted your arm to go for an uppercut but she manages to evade it again.

Y/n: Damn you, stop moving!

You throw a punch at the short-stack but she sidesteps and punches your head making your fall back.

The Beast You Created (Male Ragna Reader X Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now