Part 35

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After the adventure to the night market, Otis invites me back to his home. It was the early hours of the morning and I knew my mother needed the sleep instead of her daughter sneaking back into the house. 

After the short discussion about the relationship status between Otis and me, there was a slight tension in the air. It had been months since we had last had any sexual encounters and the image of making out with Otis was causing my body to have urges to rip all his clothes off as he invites me inside the red house. 

Both Otis and I remain silent, as we make our way through the kitchen, holding hands to venture towards the staircase. That's when a light is turned on and a stern-looking Jean has her arms across her chest. "Otis, it is 4.30 in the morning. You were meant to be home hours ago, not sneaking around with Ruby!" She sighs. "This is how we got into this situation in the first place."

I can see a guilty look on Otis' face, as he clutches my hand tighter. "Mum, we went for ice cream, and since it's late I offered for Ruby to sleep here," Otis explains as I awkwardly look at the floor below my feet. "So if you don't mind, we're going to crash. Goodnight."

"Well darling I suppose that's alright," Jean explains as I catch her eyesight. There was a small smirk present on her face. "But you two will be in separate rooms."

"Mum!" Otis argues. "I'm eighteen now."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. But you live here under my rules." Jean explains. "Ruby, let me show you to the guest bedroom."

Jean pats my shoulder, leading me up the stairs into the hallway. I wave at Otis, as I knew we wouldn't get the opportunity to say a proper goodnight. She opens the door to a bedroom with a simple bed and not many decorations like she had surrounded around the rest of the home. "Goodnight Ruby, you'll be needing to rest to gain your energy back." She instructs me like I was a young child.

She shuts the door behind her and I'm left to sit on the bed while I hear an argument unfold between mother and son. "Mum that was rude! You've never had an issue with Ruby staying over in the past!" He reminds her.

"That was before the fact I knew my son was engaging in protected sex. Now I don't think I can trust you." Jean explains calmly to her son. "I never thought in my career would I have any doubts my son would be reckless enough to forget important details."

"You've had months to come to terms with it. I made a mistake and there is nothing to change it because I will become a father and I would like my mother there to help support me through that process." Otis' tone was more calm and collected. They were the words that needed to be said to his mother. "But I will not have my mother threaten the mother of my child!"

I could hear Jean scoff. "Hormones are a tricky thing, I just had to remind Ruby that your main priority will be your education," Jean explains. "You've worked so hard darling I don't want you throwing away the opportunity for university." 

"Maybe I don't want to go to university. Maybe I want to take the time to go through this scary and exciting new adventure of raising a child." Otis retorts. "I'm young enough I don't need to go straight into university, I want to support Ruby and the baby."

"See Otis, this is your downfall. You're too caring and you put other peoples needs before your own. Perhaps I should've pushed you to have more interaction with your father and you wouldn't have these complicated situations with girls." Jean explains.

Otis raises his voice once again. "You were the one that hated the thought of me spending the weekend with my father!" He yells, waking the infant sibling of Otis up from another bedroom. "You're afraid to be alone and you're afraid that you won't be the number one person I'll turn to since I'm growing up."

There was Sex Kid stepping in for an appearance.

"It's scary with all this change, I'm terrified I'm going to fuck up." There was sadness in Otis' words. "But I don't want you to be the one that forcing me apart from the mother of my child, because then I will leave completely and you won't have the opportunity to meet your grandchild."

There are moments of silence before I hear the heavy footsteps that belonged to Otis, as he opens the bedroom door. I see the expression on his face was a whole array of different emotions. Although a large presence belonged to the exhaustion in his eyes. "Want to join me?" He asks holding out his hand.

I nod slowly, getting to my feet and grabbing his hand before he leaves me down the hall to his bedroom. He makes a show of locking his door and drags the dresser in front of it. I raise my eyebrow confused. "The lock has broken before." He explains.

Nodding we both get comfortable in the small bed that rested in Otis' room. I snuggle close to the tall pale figure as he places his left arm under my body. "Is this okay?" He asks.

There is a small laugh that escapes my mouth. "Can't think of anything else I need."

And that's how we fell asleep quickly.

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