Total Darkness

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I can't see anything... Where am I? I walk and walk. An orb just showed up in front of me... I just realized that orb wants to guide me somewhere. So, I follow it... A sudden acceleration of beating of my heart had begun. I doubt it leads me to death that I don't want to face. 

It stopped and vanished. I feel something on my pocket and that's flashlight. I turn it on and walk. Then, I saw my house. What? Wait? Why am I at the outside of my very own house?

I entered... Suddenly, I am shaking... 






It's the ghost that I disposed wants to devour my soul.

"You are in a sweet danger my dear GHOST SLAYER!" she said.


Damn! I woke up and I breathe abnormally... I opened the drawer and get my inhaler...

 "Honey!" Mom called and opened the door.

"Can't you just knock?" I said while I still get rid of my abnormal breathing!

"You're going to be late honey..." she reminded me. 

"Don't worry, I bathed last night and I don't smell stink so I am going to get changed okay?" I still can't focus on what to do... TWO choices: Deal with mom or Get rid of my abnormal breathing.

"By the way, what happened to you?" she asked.

"None of your business mom," I told her coldly.

"Asthma attack early in the morning?" Yeah, she guessed it and it's pretty obvious too! I shook my head up and down.

"Bad dream mom," I told her. "I need to get changed now."

"Okay," and she left.

Done changing my clothes put on my body spray and go outside of the room then proceed downstairs. Get a sandwich and bottle of juice then off to go! I didn't give her a kiss again or maybe never.

"Yo, Lone lass!" I leaned and I saw the effin idiot of my life, and that's Mr. Popular Guy.

I didn't greet him.

"Lone lass, I felt there's something on you..." he said.

I raised my eyebrows that asks 'What'. 

"By the way, I need to give this to you," he said and showed to me my cross necklace. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and I faint.









"This is just the beginning GHOST SLAYER," that ghost again told me that made me wake up. 

Abnormal breathing again....

I am at the school's clinic...

"Zia!" he said. "Are you okay?"


"What inhazer?" he asked!

I slapped him... I did the actions about the inhaler...

"Ow! Now I got it!" he said and he grabbed the bottle of juice that I just drank this morning... 


He does'nt even have BRAINS?!

"INHALER!," I told him while I still catching my breath.

"Ow, I'm sorry.."  then he handed to me the inhaler. I lay down and I feel that my guts were hurt. 

"What's the matter Zia?" he asked. "Do you have menstruation?"

"You pervertic quim! Can't you just call the doctor?!" I told him while still having time on getting rid of this abnormal breathing.

"What is it?" the doctor asked.

"I felt something that hurt my guts," I told the doctor.

She checked on my body, she stopped and told us about her findings.

"What is it, doctor?" he asked.

"There's something that eats your guts, I can hear its shrieking voice..." 


"We will take you to the hospital," the doctor adviced.

The ambulance came and I am transferred to the hospital and this popular guy can't help but keep going on where I am.  

"Zia, wear this," and he let me wear my cross necklace.

 I feel relieved and I rose from the bed. 

"I'm sorry, medical crew, I'm okay now," I told them.

"What?!" they exclaimed.

"Let me check," the doctor said. She checked my body and she let me go.

Me and this popular guy are walking on the school grounds and suddenly, the bell ring and it's snack time. 

We went back to the clinic and I opened my bag to get my money however, I saw my sandwich and I am shocked that... I did not eat my BREAKFAST! (facepalm)

After eating my sandwich, I proceed to my subject teachers and I asked them about the lectures I missed and the assignments.

"Oh, I thought your classmates told you," they said.

"Well, I'm just making sure of it," I replied.

They told me the assignments and the topics I missed. Actually, I memorized it. Just Kidding! I jot down all of it even their names! Just kidding again...

The class continued. The lunch break came and I took a nap. However, Mr. Popular Guy is always disturbing me. 

"What?" I asked coldly.

"Why so cold?" he asked.

"You did not even answer my question," I told him.

"What makes you a loner, huh?" He asked. That really caught my attention.

"Is this all about your past?" he asked. "Tell me, I'm all ears," he added.

"Okay, fine!" I exclaimed and I don't care about my other classmates.

"Let me tell you my past," I told him.

Lone LassWhere stories live. Discover now