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It was Sunday. We woke up early because we're going to the church. We walked hurriedly to the church. I wore my locket just in case of emergency. As we arrived, the mass is about to start As we found our seat, we made the sign of the cross. In the middle of the gospel, I noticed that someone came to our side, it's an eighteen year old lass. She wore a tattered black cocktail dress. She has that curly blonde hair. She went to my front and grabbed my neck. MPG and Fia helped me released from her grab. Everybody in the church gathered up. The adults held the lass tightly while the priest used the gospel and holy water in disposing the evil soul that devours her body. However, it's no use in making the soul disposed to the purgatory for judgement. I turned to the astral projectionmode, I ran to the spirit then I cast a spell.

"Eliminarea sângeroase de suflete," I cast and the spirit vanished. However, there's a note left on the ground.

This just the beginning... 

The note has an emblem which it represents the head of the voodoo doll with an angry face. I went back to my body.

I woke up and I realized that I'm at the convent's bedroom. As the door opened, Fia entered the room. I am still holding the note. I felt that I needed to be alone to think of what happened today. I told Fia that we needed to get home. We get out of the convent. As we arrived at the house, I proceed upstairs. I laid down myself on my bed. As I leaned at my side table, I remember that I need to read the notebook. I grabbed it and stared at its green cover. Its shade is as the same color as the jade jewel.  I opened it up to the second page.

The day has come for the offense.

The pawn has attacked,

The defense is important to win the fight,

Oh, an elder had attacked,

The victim collapsed and sleep,

Sleep to loneliness,

The queen is thirsty for blood,

She cannot wait for the feast,

The feast of death,

It is,

It is death,

Yet it is not yet dawn to slay.

Therefore, these lines are yet the future! The friend of Ciana’s grandmother is an oracle! I do not want this to happen! Wait, I just remembered the quote from the cover. “A future that needed to be happen, find its way to be fullfilled even you have to change it."

I have no idea! Why? I need to prevent this from happening! I have to even it makes me sad. However, I do not get it. MPG came in; he touched my forehead and shocked.

“You’ve got a fever, Zia,” he said. Fever? I think this person is kidding me.

“Fia, hand me the thermometer please," he said.

After afew minutes, Fia came in and handed to him the thermometer.

"41.9 degress Celsius!" he screamed.

"I'm sure we can't hunt tonight," he added. I am not in the mood of talking but I just fell asleep while they talked about the hunting.

"Prepare to be ripped!" someone's voice said that make me awoke.

"Zia, good thing you're awake, I made you a soup," he said. It was already night, I did not take my lunch. Seems my sleep is long though. However, I felt sleep at this moment.

I smelled the scent. It was beef! I want to eat on my own. However, MPG won't let me eat on my own.

"I will be the one to feed you okay?" he said.

I hate it... He filled the spoon with soup.

"Say ah," he commanded. I don't want to. I want myself to feed on my own.

"Come one, Zia, don't let your father see your situation,"  he said. I have no choice but to open my mouth. I felt so happy of the taste of the beef.

"You're so silent," he said. However, I don't want to talk. I noticed that he touched my forehead.

"Woah, that's fast though, your temperature went down," he said. He placed the soup to my side table and get the thermometer to check my temperature.

"Woah, 37.3 degress celsius," he said. I never expected that my temperature dropped.

"You'll be back to normal okay?" he said. I shook my head as if my answer is yes.

"How about cookies eh?" he said. Then, he feed me with those. He leaned to the table to get my water. However, he noticed the note.

"Where did you get this note?" he asked.

I get my notebook and ballpen from the drawer. 

"I got it at the time I busted the spirit," I wrote and let him read.

"Are you being deaf?" he asked. I shook my head as if my response was no.

"Then, why don't you want to speak?" he asked. 

"Because I am not in the mood to talk," I wrote and showed it to him. He just give me that confused look.

"By the way, I got this from the carnival," he said. Then, he showed me the husky puppy stuff toy. It's so cute. It made me smile.

"Who are you with?" I wrote while I still have that inquisitive look.

"I'm with James, since he needed a chaperone for the bonding with his girlfriend," he said.

"Such a scaredy cat," I wrote and showed it to him. He just laughed.

"How did you know that I love this stuff toy?" I wrote and showed it.

"Because I asked James if what stuff toy do you want," he said. I just have that confused look.

I just remembered the moment at the carnival with Ciana. It was so fun that I cherished that day. Then, that day is the day I gave the cross necklace to her from which at back it's my name while the other one that I have is her name.

"When I am okay, take me to the carnival, I am hoping that you are going to treat me there," I wrote and showed it to him.

"Seriously?" he said and just laughed. He patted my head.

"Okay, I'll take you there," he agreed.

"You've better sleep for now," he said.

I hate to let him do this but I have no choice.

"Can you lay down by my side while holding my hand?" I wrote and showed it to him.

He was shocked. It made him speechless.

"Okay, I will let Fia sleep at my room okay?" he said. I shook my head as if my answer was yes. 

"Fia, just sleep at my room okay?" he said to Fia before she entered the room.

"Okay," she said and gave me a smile. MPG closed the door and sleep with me that night. Whenever I'm sick, dad always there to sleep with me. However, since dad was not here, I have no choice but to let MPG do it. He tucked my hair for me to sleep and I fell asleep.

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