Shining memories that fade into Gray

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Seems like we have no fun of our free time I let him know my past so that I do not want his annoying tone again. Here it goes…

It has been my first year since I graduated  school. I am so excited to see my new high school friends! I arrived at this wonderful school, which gives me excitement! Finally, I arrived at my classroom. I also saw my best friend back in middle school. That is Krishna Anne Irwin.

“Zia!” she exclaimed and we are having our cutest kuma I mean bear hug!

“Sit here,” she told me while pointing the chair that I am going to sit.

We were having our chitchats at that time. It is so beautiful! I did not recognize that the classroom is full already with freshmen.

“Okay, time to go to the fields for the orientation,” our adviser told us. She is already old. I think around 59. She also had those fiery eyes that you do not want to mess with.

The whole class proceeds to the fields. We really enjoy the orientation. Like the big celebration that the faculty blew unto us.

While listening, I met Ara Mist Todd.

After the orientation, our adviser arranged us according to Alphabetical order. Now, I felt miserable because my seatmate is James Arion Grace. I can sense his aura though. Actually, he is handsome, just saying! No malice, okay?

As the days passed, James and I never talk to each other. When the election of class officers arrived, I got bored at that time. Suddenly, someone just called me. I leaned and he asked my name.

“Mireinne Emerzia Grim,” I answered.

“Okay,” he said.

When the table of social manager sink in, James called him (Yeah, he was the newly elected president).

“Nico Austen Sanders,” he called.

“Mireinne Grim,” he said. “I nominate Mireinne Grim,” he said again.

“What?” I mumbled.

He gave me that sarcastic and crooked smile. Err; I am starting to hate this person. I am hoping that I will not be one of the social managers.

Unfortunately, I became one of the social managers.

“Wait, what? You’ve got to be kidding me, Zia,” Mr. Popular Guy said. “A loner like you became a social manager?” he exclaimed even more.

“Can’t you please listen?” I told him. “I’ll entertain questions later.”

Back to flashback folks.

“How was it, Ms. Social Manager?” Nico asked.

“I hate you,” I told him.

“Are you in love with this guy?” Mr. Popular Guy asked.

“Jeez, I’m too ugly for him you know that?” I said.

“Wonderful! You realized that you’re too ugly for him,” he said and showed his sarcastic smile. Well, I have that blank face though…Continue…

Days passed, I finally met my soul mate ah! No, my sister by heart and that is Akemi Kate Osborn. We usually shared the same things and thoughts. She is also my partner-in-crime.

“Zia, let’s eat together but before that, I need to escort Aileen,” Jae Cadence Lawrence said. She is my best friend but I will soon share my favorite moments with her. She ran to Makena Aileen Edward and they went to the canteen.

“Psst,” Akemi called.

“What?” I asked.

She hides the drink that Jae just bought and she told me not to say a word to her. Therefore, we continue eating.

Jae came in and she looked for her drink while Akemi and I were having a clueless face pretending that we did not do anything.

“Zia, where’s my drink?” Jae asked while she had that worried look.

“IDK,” I replied while I am still eating.

Akemi showed the drink and she was still eating.

“Akemi, is that mine?” Jae asked.

“No, it’s mine,” Akemi said.

“That’s mine! That’s the drink I brought,”Jae said.

“Maybe it’s just a matter of coincidence,” Akemi said.

“I can’t take it anymore!” I exclaimed while I am still laughing. “It’s definitely yours, Jae.”

“See?” Jae said.

“That’s not true, Zia! It’s mine!” Akemi lied.

Jae cried and Akemi returned the drink to Jae.

“Just kidding,” Akemi said and shed the peace sign.

We continued eating. Pause…

 “So, tell me, what makes you a loner huh?” Mr. Popular Guy asked.

“Here’s the reason,” I said. Play…

It is almost the end of the year, when the decision of shuffling is finalize.

“You students should be shuffle for the next year,” our adviser told us.

“WHAT?” The girls asked.

“YES!” the boys exclaimed.

The whole class is gossiping about the particular issue.

“It is now the end of the journey with these guys,” I mumbled.

We went out of our classroom to calm down. I am with Jae, Aileen, Akemi, Nikki, Geb, Laetitia, Leena, Tazia, Cara and Katriane.

Seems Laetitia brought a speaker. We choose a song.

Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
but it's the only thing that I know
when it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive.

 We keep this love in a photograph
we made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still

As that song kept playing on that day, some of us made an oath.

“From this day, I’ll let myself transform into a loner and I only talk to people like you,” I said while crying.

Some of us, shed tears on the result that we cannot prevent however, it is hard to accept the things like one day all of your 10 months bond, fuss and laughter will be vanish.

“So that’s it?” Mr. Popular Guy asked. “You chose to be alone rather than with someone new to your life?”

“I will be with someone new to my life, I will forget the things that my old friends and I used to do,” I told him. “And if I do that, my old friends will become somebody that I used to know.”

I tried not showing my tears on him but it already shed.

I grabbed my handkerchief and wiped my eyeglasses. After that, I wore it. However, Mr. Popular Guy just keep staring at me.

“What?” I asked coldly.

“You have those shining memories from which they fade into gray,” he said.

Shining memories eh? Well, let me take a nap.

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