Night in the Carnival

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It is already dismissal and I cannot wait for the carnival trip with MPG. We proceed to the carnival, which is located in the main streets.

To: Daddy Michael

Dad, Keith will treat me tonight maybe I will be coming home late.

I send it and we are here! The name of the carnival is Nya hoi Prix; their catch phrase is "the world of endless rainbow." My family used to go here when I was five years old. However, when an uneducated person who did not even know what is the character trait of his prey molested me, since then my parents decided to let me stay at home. I will tell you what happened. The molester thought I am innocent but I am not. I already knew his plan so I decided to go to the customer service and I did not noticed that he already molested me. Therefore, I hurriedly opened the customer service door, the employee kicked the molester, and she called the guards. Oh, how about my parents? We were separated because of that molester.

:"What's your name lass?" She asked.

"Mireinne Grim," I told her, I never include Emerzia because I think she will have a hard time on saying it.

"Calling the parents of Mireinne Grim to claim her daughter here at the customer service," she announced. After a few minutes, my parents showed up.

"Are you okay, Zia?" Dad asked.

"My butt hurts," I answered.

"What happened?" Mom asked.

"I just wanted to report the molester because he keeps on following me but he squeezed my butt from which it made me cry," I told them and I burst out my tears.

"It's okay Zia," Dad said and he hugged me.

"Zia," Keith called. Now I came back to my senses.

"Ah, so it's all about the reason why you never came back in this place," he said.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"It's because of your expression," he said. We quit our chitchatting and we go to the booths. First, the power meter from which MPG used all of his strength here. Then, we go to the rides but I prefer roller coaster. However, MPG has an unusual feeling of the roller coaster.

"Come on, face your fears," I told him.

I pulled him. I know he feels uncomfortable with the ride but let him face it. I know it is safe because of the seat belt, which is kind of overprotected one. I lean and I found out that he is sweating. I hold his hand.

"Everything's going to be alright," I told him and gave him a cheerful smile. It is the time for the enjoyable ride! I am really screaming because I enjoyed it. I also realize that MPG also screamed because he already faces his fear. Well, not at all, because he closes his other eye while the other one is open. After the ride, we proceed to the customer service.

"What are we doing here?" Keith asked.

"I want to visit the woman who saved me before," I told him. I lean on the glass of the customer service and I waved at the woman who saved me from the molester.

"It's been a while, lass," she greeted. She went out of the customer service room.

"Yeah, it is ma'am," I told her.

"Oh, it's that your boyfriend?" She asked. Like seriously, she is referring to MPG. It makes my face turn into red.

"No, he's not my boyfriend," I told her.

"Boyfriend to be?" This woman cannot stop messing up my life. "Or Husband..."

"None of the above," I told her.

"Okay, seems like I can't mess up things with you, but in the end the future will decide the faith of the both of you," she said.

"I forgot to say thanks to you," I told her.

"No, thank you for reporting that molester," she said. "Well, he's in the jail and he will be out there next month but he promised not to make any molestation anymore."

"Are you sure about that?" I told her.

"Well, you know, a person can change their attitude once they regret the sin they commit," she said. She is right though.

"Yeah, you're right," I told her.

"We're going to go home, ma'am, it's kind of late now," I told her and we bid here goodbye.

I'm sure that dad is waiting. As we arrived at our village, I bid MPG goodbye and he left. As I opened the door, I saw Dad fell asleep on the couch. However, I'm so tired and I have no strength to carry him upstairs. Therefore, I went to his room and get his blanket and pillow. Then, place it. Then, I proceed to the bathroom to take a half bath. After that, I proceed to my room to change my clothes and get to sleep. It's been a good day since I have no assignments to deal with. I think he's quite different than before. Erase, erase, erase. I need to go to sleep.

Rearranged the sky time!

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