Missing Pieces of a Convict

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I teleport to where my mom stayed for 2 weeks. However, it makes me want to puke because Louis is with her.

"I'm worried about her," mom told Louis.

"She'll be fine, trust me," he told her.

Are they referring to me? Well, let's just listen to them.

"Are you sure about that Louis?" she asked.

"Definitely, whenever I talked to her it was just a simple conversation," he said.

"Then?" she asked.

"She's just being cold like I never existed, like I've never been a father to her," he said.

Father? Wait, did they have a child?

"I am so worried about her condition, Louis," she said.

"I have trust in her, Emerald," he said. "She has a strong heart and soul," he added.

"But she's not the little girl we have," she said.

"Let's talk about this later, Emerald," he said.

Louis left and mom is crying. She's crying for her child but I wonder who is that girl that they are referring to. However, I stood in that room, I also shed tears because mom never told me about her child with the another man. She should have told me. However, dad knew about that child though. Then, I'd decided to use my telepath ability.

"Mom," I called.

"Zia?" She called. "Zia, is that you?"

"Yes, mom," I answered.

"Where are you? H-how did you-"

"I'll explain later but all I want is to know who is this child of you and Louis," I told her.

"Did you just eavesdrop to our conversation?" She asked with a fierce tone.

"I never meant,"

"Just get out of my head now Zia, now you know about the conversation that we tackled about then, I will let you suffer in that world of invisibility which is full of lost souls that are about to be devour by evil spirits," she said. I never knew that mom could act like this. She was that kind person of my life but how did she end up to be evil and uncaring mother? Tears fell down on the floor. Those tears are the tears of realization. I have no choice but to leave the room. I need to go back to Dad. As I am about to go back to my house, I am just wondering. How did mom knew about the world I entered? The world that I am now. The world that I am standing at. As I enter the house, I saw dad sitting on the couch.

"Dad," I called.

"Honey," Dad said. Yeah, he actually see me while being in a soul form.

"Why mom is so cruel?" I asked while crying.

"Huh? Why did you ask that and why are you crying?" he asked.

"I never meant to make her angry and I never meant to eavesdrop at their conversation, I just wanted to know the truth about her child with Louis but all she did is to make me suffer to this world I am standing at and she will let me die," I told him while I'm still crying.

"Honey, don't cry," Dad said.

"I can't dad, she's not being a mother to me, where's the virtue in that huh?" I told him.

"I know what you are in, Zia, that's her attitude whenever I eavesdrop on her conversation with her guy friends, she always saying that I'm such a bad husband to her and I have no respect on her privacy, however, no matter what happens, I just respect that and I will always love her still," he said.

"But how did she end up with Louis?" I asked.

"Louis is my best pal since I started first grade, we already share things that we love, even he's that kind of man who is a quiet one but I never can't stop hanging out with him, people see quiet people as boring ones but I see him as a special one," he paused.

"Since we are about to graduate in college, I am in love with your mom, Emerald, what makes me fall in love to her? It's the way she interacts other people. However, our lockers are just near to each so that's why I can see her everyday. Then, she just talked to me saying, 'You're Michael Rion Grim right?' I answered her yes then she introduced her name which is the name that always stuck in my head, Emerald Dianne Birch. When the moment that makes me fall in love with her came, it started like this, her friends told her to do something which requires a boy to accomplish it and I never expected that she chose me. It started like this, she asked 'Now, since I need a guy to kiss me are you willing to do it?' I am just acting cool. I tried not to blush. I knew this is my moment. 'Since my friends chose you,' she said. I tried to refuse but her friends tried to let me kiss her so I have no choice but to kiss her passionately on the lips," he said.

"Seriously dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, after college, when I started business, we were in a relationship then, we got married. We knew each other and I knew that you're mom have that tiger side you know. However, I always understand those. Then, when I found out that she's been hanging out with Louis after you were born, I keep on questioning her about it and she is just acting like she don't care on our family. She keeps on hanging around with him while I'm taking care of you. It makes me think that I need to take you with me to other place. So, I did it. Then, she called ad called but I keep on ignoring it then I turned it into the silent mode. Then when you turned one year old, I never expected that she had a child with Louis. I cried a lot. I never expected that she will do that to me," he said then he cried.

"I have no idea on what's happening to your life but Emerald told me about the curse however, it was not a specific one," he continued.

"You mean this, Sis Em?" Fia called and handed us the notebook that my best friend gave to me.

"What's that Zia?" Dad asked.

"It's the notebook that my best friend, Ciana gave to me," I told him. It consists of prophecy which it describes my fate," I added.

"Wait, the curse also lies in it," he said.

"Zia, Luella's fine but she's in a deep sleep," the voice told me. Then, I gave him my response immediately.

I read the lines of the prophecy. Then, dad did actually knew on what to do.

"I need to talk to your mom," he said.

"Are you sure about that, dad? But they're still worrying on their child," I told him.

"Are you curious of their child?" he asked.

"Uhm, yeah," I answered.

"Then, let's go there together, my daughter," he said.

I always love this cool dad. No matter what happens he still there for me. I will face the truth on the next chapter.

It's easy to hide the truth but it's difficult to reveal it.

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