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Morning came the next day, I woke up 6 AM in the morning but I felt so tired. 

"Zia! I made you food!" MPG screamed downstairs. Does he know how to cook? Unbelievable!  I porceed downstairs.

"What food is it?" I asked while I'm still yawning.

"Smell it," he commanded then I smell it. It smells delicious!

"I want it!" I told him. It energizes me oh how excited am I for this food? Yum, yum!

"You can have it," he said and place the plate on the table.

"First, I need to take a bath," I told him.

"Don't worry, I'll sneak you up in your bathroom!" he exclaimed. EWNESS! Pervert one. Jeez, shame on him though.

"SHUT UP!" I told him. What a filthy maniac!

I proceed to the bathroom. After that, I go to my room to change. However, I find the next scenario as disturbing...

"Would you mind I will choose your underwear?" MPG said. What in the world???????? I tell you guys, don't you ever dare to let in any boys in your room. Because once they sneak in your closet they can't resist on smelling your underwears!

I throw my slipper to him. Then BOOM! Headshot! I get my slipper and slap it in his face! Left to right!

"How many timesdo I have to tell you that not to open my closet without my permission you moron!" I told him while slapping my slipper in his face!

"I'm sorry, I-i just wanted-" he said.

"I don't need an explaination just get out of my room!" I told him while he proceed downstairs.

I closed the door and changed my clothes. After that, I proceed downstairs then I noticed that MPG went to the bathroom to take a bath. I prepare a hot chocolate since it's my hobby to drink hot chocolate in the morning. I realized that he went out of the bathroom already in an uniform. 

"You want hot chocolate?" I asked coldly.

"Uhm, yeah, if it's okay," he said. "Sorry about the moment ago."

"Forget it just wear your socks and shoes because we need to go after breakfast and toothbrushing," I told him.

I prepare everything and we start eating. After that, we brush our teeth and go to school.

"Zia, another ghost hunting later?" he asked.

"Maybe yes," I told him.

He nod and we continue walking. As we arrive, I feel someone was watching us and when I lean at my back there's nobody behind us. Therefore, we enter the school.

 Good timing, the class started as we entered the classroom. It is all just an ordinary day for ordinary people. However, it's another weird day for us (MPG and I) because we still need to deal with Luella's life. OUCH! I think I am being struck by a needle or something? It hurts like it's going deep into my skin. At my sides, I felt something wet. I raise my hand.

"What is it, Ms. Grim?" our subject teacher asked.

"Can I go to the comfort room, ma'am?" I asked.

"Sure, come back quickly," she said.

I opened my bag and get my vest and band-aid. I ran to the comfort room and I realized that I've gained a slash on my hips. It looks like the slash of a knife. I opened the first aid box provided by the school and get the bandage and cotton balls. I get a cotton ball  for the infection to stop and I put the other cotton balls then I also get the medical tape instead of bandage. I wear my vest and proceed to the class. I proceed back to the class and seems like I understood mostly of the topic whenever our teacher jot down information in the board.However, our teacher realized that I wore a vest.

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