Now Be gone

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Don't worry, all you have to do is to finish the things you have to do...

I am still thinking of MPG... He did everything just to keep an eye on my body. However, my question is... Is he okay? We knew how dangerous Luella's domain was.

"How is it , honey?" Dad asked.

I leaned and said, "I knew everything but I still have no idea how to face the enemy."

The house is covered with silence.

"Zia!" a voice called.

"M... P.... G?" I thought. I never expected that MPG is here but in his ghost form.

"The enemies had my body, fortunately I can escape with my own soul," he said calmly.

"Aren't you worry about your body?" I asked.

"Of course I am, that's my body without it I will never do things like playing video games!" He answered. Well, I'm satisfied. However, I need to make a plan on how to get our bodies.

"So what's our next move?" He asked.

I'm not sure on what we're going to do... The situation became complex. Four days had passed and we are still in this kind of situation. I am tired in this state. My soul became weaker and weaker in each day. What am I suppose to do?

Still... I'll never give up. If I will give up I will lost my very important life plus the world is full of darkness... Full of haunting ghost, scaring people and devouring their souls. This will be cannibalism in a different manner!

I won't let this happen. This is the last day and I'm going to end it.

"We've better move forward," I declared.

We marched to the enemy's base. As we about to arrive at their base, I could feel the weakening soul calling for help.

I knew it... The enemy knew that we are going to raid.

Since I have no weapon to use... Let me show them my very own technique... Let me fill the rust of every sharps in this house with blood.

"Zia, what are you doing?" MPG asked.

"Don't worry, I sometimes waste blood you can donate if you wanted to right?" I told him.

"I hate blood transfusion," he said.

We walked in their lobby, when we reach the staircase, we went up. I could feel the presence at the attic. 

As we arrived at the entrance of the attic, I could hear...


Mom's voice.

"Aradia, please I'm begging you to stop this trickery!" Mom said.

"You never knew your sin, Emerald!" Aradia said.

"I am begging you to let my daughter go!" Mom said.

"She's the one who came to me, Emerald," Aradia said.

"What do you meant by that?" Mom asked.

"Instead I am going to haunt Louis, I will haunt her," Aradia said.

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