Chapter One

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I'm sitting in class staring at my teacher, Chef Ledger. I know I should not be staring at him, daydreaming about him, but I have liked him ever since I became friends with my best friend, Riley. I don't even see him looking at me as I'm only fantasizing about what he could do in bed. God, I wish I could just touch him, tell him how I feel, or only be acknowledged by him at least. I am stirred back into reality when something slams on my bench, I look over to see Chef Ledger. He has a pan in his hands which is what made me come back to reality. I smile sheepishly at him, mumbling a sorry to him. "Don't let it happen again, Ms. Anderson.

My partner, Mikey, is trying not to laugh at me as Chef Ledger walks back to the front of the classroom, telling us what the lesson will be. Apple pie is my favorite kind of pie. I look at Mikey, giving him a warning not to start. Mikey is a nice guy, he started to be my friend this year of school. I know that he likes me from all the nicknames he gives me, and he's always just wanting to do something with me. Not to mention that he will always find a way to touch me. Mikey isn't bad looking, he is cute, but just not who I am looking for. The one who I happen to have eyes on is teaching this very class at this moment. As I mentally think about wanting to beat Mikey with a rolling pin, I bring my attention back to the chef as I write down some notes for tomorrow's lesson.

Once the class is over, I pack my bag as Mikey waits for me. "Why can't you just leave?" I think to myself as I stand up straight, bringing my attention to him now. "Are you ready, babe?" I cringe, I told him not to call me that. I look over to Chef Ledger, trying to see if it affected him in any way. I can see that he tenses in his chair as he is doing paperwork, waiting for us to leave his class. "I told you to stop calling me that, Mike. You know that I hate it." Mikey rolls his eyes at me as he turns to walk away. When I sling my bag over my shoulder getting ready to follow behind him, a voice calls out my name.

"Ms. Anderson, can I talk to you for a moment" I stand still for a second, not believing I get to talk to him. "I'll wait for you, Sharlee," Mikey says, taking a seat back down at our bench. Before I can even tell Mikey that it's okay and he can go on without me, Chef Ledger answers for me "You don't need to wait for her. This is a private discussion." Mikey nods his head, not happy that he has to leave, I tell him that I'll see him tomorrow when he leaves. Is this happening?? Am I about to get railed by my teacher? I walk over to his desk, keeping eye contact with him the entire time. "Yes, Levi?" I smile, testing his first name. "It's Chef Ledger to you when in this classroom, Ms. Anderson." My smile fades a little bit as he says this. "Of course, what is it that you wanted to speak to me about?" He stands up, coming to stand in front of me, leaning on his desk. "You are missing some assignments from me. Can you explain why?"

I knew this was going to get brought up eventually. Yes, I haven't been turning in my projects and you would think it would be easy to do since it's food. Food is my language. I clear my throat before speaking, "Chef, as you may know, my family owns their bakery, and I have been working late to help out my uncle. My dad is out of town, he had to get transported to a different hospital so they could perform the surgery, and it's hard on us all." Levi doesn't speak when I finish what I have to say. Levi has a slim body which I love about him. His hair is always messy like he just woke up but it works for him. He has always been a lot taller than me. I bite my lip, scanning the rest of his body, looking at his hand. They would make a nice necklace "Being busy is no excuse not to get your work done. I'm sorry, Ms. Anderson, but you will fail my class this trimester if you don't get them in." Levi's face was blank when he broke the horrible news to me.

"What? I haven't failed a class at all. You can't do that Le-Chef Ledger." I knew he didn't care if I failed or not. Levi stands up from his desk, towering over me. "You have three missing assignments. You need to bake or cook something in three days. I'll even let you use my classroom after school." I smile at him, maybe he does care if I fail his class. "Thank you, Chef. I appreciate it so much. I'll stay after starting tomorrow so I can get this done." When I'm about to walk away from him to leave, he stops me. "How is your dad? I haven't seen him in years" Oh? Trying to make me stay a little longer. "H-He is doing okay. My dad is getting healing slowly. The last heard he is still in a coma." My father was in a car accident, it was fatal, he had surgery a few weeks ago but still hasn't woken up from it. I look down at my feet as I wait for him to say something to me. My father is like my best friend, he watched me go threw so many heartbreaks. My mother left us when I was little so he had to step up and also try to help me through boy problems.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Ms. Anderson. I'm sure your dad will be just fine. Please, stay as long as you want after school. I'll be here to help you if you would like." A part of me is sad knowing that he is just doing this because of my father. I know Levi doesn't care about me one bit. Levi just thinks of me as his little sister's friend. I lift my head to finally look at him. Levi is staring down at me, his hair falling in front of his eyes a little and it makes him comb his fingers through it. Riley must have told him about what I have been going through since my father left. "So is Mr. Smith your boyfriend?" I'm a little bit shocked to hear him say that. "No," I say a little too quickly. I smile a little, hoping that I didn't sound crazy. What if he wants to know to ask me out?? Or so he could fuck? Kiss me??

THE FIRST CHAPTER IS DONE!! I hope you guys are enjoying this one chapter so far. I do want to clear up how Levi knows Scarlett and her father just in case people are confused. Scarlett and her best friend, Riley, have been friends since middle school. As they have gotten close over the years both families have also gotten close. So they are like one big family in a way. Scarlett's father knows Levi well, and he adores him.
Take care guys!~N

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