Chapter Fourteen

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Graduation. Something that I thought I would never get to experience when I attended Levi's culinary school. I'm currently sitting with my fellow graduates as I wait for my name to get called.

My nerves are crazy right now. I look around and I see Jordan, Riley, and Uncle Grey and of course, he is holding baby Maddison.

I was with Riley when she went into labor. Jordan was late but when he got there he was so excited about his baby girl being born. He was jumping up and down and pressing kisses all over Riley's face.

It was amazing to witness. Jordan is going to be an amazing father to little Maddison.

"Scarlett Anderson" I freeze. Did they just call my name? I think they did. The girl beside me nudges my arm to signal that I get up. I plaster a huge smile on my face as I get up to walk across the stage.

I get handed my degree and I shake hands with everyone on the stage before lifting The degree over my head and the crowd erupts in cheers. When I turn to keep walking I see Levi. He has a huge smile on his face as I walk past him.

I couldn't have done this without him. He has helped me so much and I'm thankful for that.

After the graduation, we all went to the bakery to celebrate my success. Uncle Grey wanted to throw a surprise party for me and it was a surprise.

I'm sitting at the small table that we have in the bakery as I scoff down the cupcake that Uncle Grey handed me.

"It's Aunty Scarlett, Maddison." Riley comes over and hands me, Maddison. I look at her confused and she holds up praying hands as she runs to the bathroom.

"Hi there." Maddison looks up at me and gives me a gummy smile. "As you may know I'm your aunty Scarlett and I am going to love you so much. When you get older we will go out and get our nails done and then after we will get ice cream."

"Can I have everyone's attention?" I look up and see Levi standing at the front of the bakery. I raise an eyebrow at him but all he does is smile at me.

"I have known Scarlett for a few years now and every moment has been an adventure. We have had our ups and downs throughout our lives but I want to make an announcement."

What the fuck is he doing?

"We have been through so much this past year, Lottie, and I'm incredibly thankful to have you. You are one of the strongest women that I know. It takes a strong heart to get through the pain that you were caused." Oh my god, I'm crying. Jordan takes Maddison away from me as I start crying harder.

"Your dad would have been so proud of the woman that you have become after everything you have endured. So I want to take this time to say that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I watch as he gets down on one knee and cheering starts happening.

"Scarlett, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I stare at him wide-eyed. I dreamt of this moment every night when I met him. This is my dream. "You have to answer, Lottie."

"Oh, right. Of course, I'll marry you, Levi!" Levi gets up from the ground and places the ring on the designated finger and places a long, deep kiss on my lips.

"I'm ready to spend forever with you, Lottie."

"So am I." I smile ear to ear as our family claps for us. I place a small kiss on his cheek.

The wait was so worth it for this outcome.

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