Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

It's finally the end of the school day and I'm currently walking to Levi's class. He keeps insisting on driving me everywhere since I'm carrying our child. I'd knock off my feet when I come in contact with a chest, making me fall on my ass. I look up to see who the chest belonged to, Mikey. He does not know that I'm pregnant. No one at this school does. If someone finds out then that will surely make Levi get fired, and I just can't be the reason for that. I only have two months left until I graduate. I can hide the pregnancy and hide this relationship I have with Levi.

Today is the day that Levi and I go on the date. I am excited but I'm also nervous. Levi has been great to me but only because I'm carrying his child.

"Scarlett, it's nice to see you again." Mikey holds out his hand for me to take and I reluctantly took it. I'm only taking his offer because I can't get up on my own.

"Thanks, " I mumble before walking away but before I could get far, he grabs my wrist. I see the time on his watch, 3:05. I should have been in his classroom by now. "Mikey please let go. I have to be at the bakery." Mikey smiles at me, making me shudder. I cannot describe the smile that's plastered on his face other than sinister.

"All I want to do is talk, Sharlee." I nod my head slowly, not knowing what to do. I let Mikey pull me into a closet and before I can protest he shoves me into the closet and stand in front of the closed door.

This closet is known as the rape closet for a reason. "Mikey, this isn't funny. Let me go. We can talk in the hall." He chuckles softly making me scared.

"This is more private," He says grabbing my hands to hold them in his. "Why choose your teacher over me?" I look at my feet, my words getting caught in my throat. "Hmm? Is it because he is older? Experienced? Sharlee, you know I have liked you since I started taking this class." This is his first class with Levi. He was transferred from a different class. Mikey didn't even talk to me before that.

"Mikey, I'm sorry," I say breathlessly, still not looking up at him. I feel his finger lift my chin so I was looking at him. I can hardly make out the features on his face from how dark it is.

"Baby, it's okay." I throw up mentally at the pet name.

"Can I please leave? My uncle is going to be very worried if I'm not there." More like Levi... "I should have been there by now."  I can feel him on me as he looks me up and down.

"Not until I get what I want." Before I can protest I'm getting shoved to the ground, hitting my head on the pavement.

"Mikey, don't do this." He doesn't listen to me and I can hear his pants being unzipped and taken off. My heart is pounding, my nerves are everywhere. I try to grab onto something to help me regain my balance but it slips out from under my hands. A mop bucket. Are you stupid??  I feel Mikey's hands going over my legs to get to the waistband of my sweat.

"You are going to feel so good." I can feel hot tears streaming down my face as I try to kick him off, but when I do, I feel a hand come in contact with my face.

This bitch just slapped me. I can feel the heat from the slap on my cheek. "Are you going to stop fighting?" I lift my foot and slam it onto his face as an answer but he stays rooted, not even flinching. "So you want to do this the hard way?" A sob escapes my lips as I try to get him off of me but I'm so tired. I feel him pull down my sweats along with my underwear. Please. Please. Please. I start begging myself hoping someone can hear my cries but it's pointless. The school is empty, no one roams the hall after hours.

"Mikey please," I beg but it doesn't stop him. He doesn't even listen to me and he takes my shoes off, throwing my belongings somewhere. I start throwing my legs in the air to try to hit him again but he grabs onto my legs, forcing them to his side.

"Stop fighting me!" He yells through his teeth, standing up. Before I know it I feel a foot come in contact with my stomach making me cough. No... I feel his foot come in contact with me again over and over.

"Stop, please," I beg and he stops. Only to get back on his knees.

"Now, let me finish." I don't even say anything. I can feel my eyes starting to close, seeing dots. I can feel the blood run down from my mouth, coming to my neck. It's gross. The metallic taste makes me want to throw up again.

I let out a scream as he pushes into me. God, I hope someone heard that. I close my eyes just taking it. I try to move my legs as he is holding them open as he rapes me.."See Sharlee? Doesn't that feel good?" It doesn't. It feels like anything besides pleasure. I cry, trying to reach out to him, trying to scratch him with my nails, and I do. But that results in me getting punched in the face. My head swings to the side when the fist came in contact with my face. I let out a cry of pain. Letting my cries feel the closet.

The closet door flies open, filling the room with light.  Before I can look up, Mikey is being ripped off of me.  I don't do anything other than cry. "Lottie, oh my god." I can hear Levi but I can't see him through my tears. I blink my tears away, seeing Mikey pinned to the ground by a security guard. My eyes meet Levi's as he is taking off his chef's coat, laying it over my lower area before lifting me into his arms. When he takes me out of the closet, I see the principal standing shocked. I heard a gasp leaves his lips. I lay in his arms limply, not holding onto him. I can hear sirens from outside of the school and then I start to feel Levi running. "You're okay, baby. You'll be fine." I hear him whisper to me but I'm not going to be fine. 

Levi transfer me to a new pair of arms which was a paramedic. He places me on a stretcher making sure to cover my lower half. I probably look so ugly right now. I can feel my swollen face and blood falling from my mouth. They place me in the ambulance and Levi enters also. He looks so worried. I can hardly talk so I grab his hand and place it on my stomach, trying to get him to understand. Levi's eyes widen and he shakes his head. A part of me knows that something bad happened when he was kicking me. "I'm going to kill him." That is all I heard before it goes dark.

I cried while writing this chapter. ~N

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