Chapter Thirteen

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I'm graduating in a few weeks. I attended Mickey's court trial and he's being sentenced to five years in prison. I believe that he deserves more but I'm not the one to decide that for him. My healing process has been amazing. I can walk and do things on my own. I still can't stand for long but I'm back in the bakery helping my uncle.

Levi and I have gotten a lot closer. I'm grateful for that and I hope we can continue this relationship with happiness.

Riley is due in a month. She's having a little girl. I'm so happy for her, she has wanted her first child to be a girl since we were little. The little girl is going to get spoiled and pampered by Riley, it's going to be so cute.

For it's finals week at school and I have been so exhausted. I have been staying at the bakery late just so I can practice the dishes. For my final, my teacher gave us all two assignments. The first one is to bake a soufflé. The last time I made a soufflé it didn't work out so that's great. The second part is an exam.

I have been staying up for days to master this soufflé and I think I got it. It was obvious what I had been doing all along. I wasn't whisking the egg whites correctly. I wasn't beating the whites long and fast enough. It wasn't maintaining its shape.

So tomorrow when we get into class and everyone has been accounted for, we get started to make the soufflé. We all only have one full school day to make it and I'm not wasting any time. I'm going to start with my egg whites and from there in out will be the time I master the soufflé.

As for the exam, I'm not worried about it. I have always been good at test taking so there's nothing to worry about. All I have to do is study every night and then I'm ready.

"Scar, go home. You have worked on the soufflé 100 times now." Uncle Gray rounds the corner. I tell he is exhausted but he also didn't have to stay with me.

"I just need to clean up and then I will. I think I have finally mastered the soufflé after one school year." Uncle Gray laughs a bit.

"I'm going to head out. Are you all set here?" I nod my head, putting the soufflé in a to-go box.

"Levi will be here soon." He grabs his keys but turns around before he leaves.

"I forgot to mention that I put the bakery in your name." My mouth drops, Uncle Gray comes over and shut it for me. "You are now my boss." I start jumping up and down, hugging him.

"This is the best news ever!" I scream, this truly is the best news. I finally own my dad's bakery.

"Easy, Scar. You aren't fully healed yet"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Thank you so much." I hug him one last him, "I love you so so much."

"I love you too, little girl. I gotta get home, the boyfriend is waiting." I smile brightly at him as I wave goodbye to him.

I finish cleaning up and when I put the last dish away, Levi walks in through the doors. "You ready, babe?"

"Mhm, just need to lock up and we can go."

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