Chapter 24

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We travel from the massive rock where the eagles dropped us and into the forest nearby. Eventually, we reach mountains. We travel for a long time, and we stop to rest for a bit.

We all know that Azog and the surviving wargs and orcs are hunting us down. There's no doubt about it.

"Bilbo, go see how far the orc pack is," I say. He looks reluctant, and I urge him on. Eventually he goes to scout and we wait.

"How long have we been traveling since the eagle dropped us off?" Fili asks, whittling away at a small branch.

"About three days," Kili replies.

Fili groans and leans back against a rock.

"And this entire time we've had an orc pack on our trail?" he asks.

"Indeed," I reply.

Bilbo comes running back to the group, and we stand up to greet him.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asks.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it," Bilbo explains.

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asks.

"Not yet. But they will do. We have another problem," Bilbo says.

"Did they see you?" Gandalf asks. "They saw you."

"No, that's not it," Bilbo says.

"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse," Gandalf praises. Everyone chatters and nods. "Excellent burglar material."

"Will you listen? Will you just listen?" Bilbo pleads. We all look over at him.

"I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there," he explains.

"What form did it take?" Gandalf asks. "Like a bear?"

Bilbo looks completely dumbfounded.

"Ye-- Yes, but bigger. Much bigger."

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur asks Gandalf. "I say we double back."

"And be run down by a pack of Orcs?" Thorin demands.

"There is a house," Gandalf says. "It's not far from here, where we might take refuge."

"Are you sure it's safe?" I ask.

"Whose house?" Thorin asks. "Are they friend or foe?"

Everyone looks exhausted, and I truly hope that they are a friend, whoever they are. We've spent too long traveling in the shadows to try and avoid the orcs, and we all need to rest.

"Neither," Gandalf says. "He will help us... or he will kill us."

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asks. A roaring is heard, and we all look in the direction it came from.

"None," Gandalf says.

We leave the rocky mountains and run across a flower covered field before entering the forest again.

"Come on!" Gandalf yells.

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