The Story of Home

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Millions of years ago a massive meteorite made of a sound and energy absorbing mineral, which would later be known as vibranium, struck the continent of Africa, affecting the plant life around it.

And when the time of man came, five tribes settled on it and called it Wakanda.

The tribes lived in constant war with each other until Bashenga, a warrior-shaman, received a vision from the Panther Goddess Bast. She led him to the Heart-Shaped Herb, a plant that granted him superhuman strength, speed and instincts.

The warrior became king and the first Black Panther, the protector of Wakanda.

Four tribes agreed to live under the king's rule, but the Jabari Tribe isolated themselves in the mountains.

The Wakandans used vibranium to develop technology more advanced than any other nation.

But as Wakanda thrived, the world around it descended further into chaos.

To keep vibranium safe, the Wakandans vowed to hide in plain sight, keeping the truth of their power from the outside world.

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