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Uxolo looked away from the television screen she'd been staring at for the past ten minutes without really seeing it, and blinked.

It was early, and she was restless, unable to stop picturing Bucky at the frontlines of a war they had no hand in starting. Going to sleep was useless; she'd tried after she finished packing her essentials for relocation, but just ended up tossing and turning, thoughts of worst-case scenarios and the sound of her racing heartbeat keeping her from falling asleep.

"Has Obinze won the heart of Ifemelu yet? Or is love dead?" The voice, his voice, startled her so much that she couldn't help but squeak, head whipping up to find where Bucky had situated himself against the front door, leaning on the archway with crossed arms.

He hadn't changed, knowing he'd have to be on his way back to the team soon, and she had to give herself a moment to take in his uniform. It wasn't the dress greens she'd seen on American men in the media, or even the shiny outfits she'd seen adorn some of Americas top super heroes. Instead, he wore a dark blue, one-sleeved bullet proof vest, the material thick and rough, almost. Black pads lined the edge of his collarbone and wrapped around both of his wrists.

"Didn' mean to scare ya, sweetheart." He flashed a tired smile. Her mouth felt dry but she forced herself to shift to face him, crossing her legs on the couch.

"Startled is not scared." She corrected, and watched as he pushed off from the wall casually, making his way to where she sat.

He could've easily settled beside her, but he didn't, instead lowering to his knees in front of her, looking up at her.

"You didn't answer my question." He probed, and Uxolo had to think back farther than she should've, unsure of what he'd even asked.

"Has Obinze won over Ifemelu yet?" He reminded, reaching out to pluck the remote from beneath her and waving it once.

"I do not know. I have not been able to pay attention." She sighed, shuffling towards the edge of couch so her knees were pressed against his sides. Bucky turned the television off, set the remote down and hummed.

"Aren't you needed?" She asked, switching the subject, and as if he didn't notice his clothing, he peeked down at himself briefly, before he cocked his head and gifted her another grin.

"What, can't a guy wear his gear around a gal to impress her?" He countered.

"I think I'm sick of war uniforms..." Uxolo had meant it as a continuation of his joke, but she meant the words far too much to avoid the melancholy that seeped in.

She forced herself to look away, and took a few deep breaths.

A hand gently, feather-light, curled over her own in her lap, and it took everything in her not to break down then and there. Bucky whispered, "Me too."

When she looked back at him, his features were sad and serious and he gave her fingers a squeeze.

"I had an idea, earlier." He extended his arm to her, waiting patiently for her to lift off of the couch. He reversed their positions and settled along the couch before tugging her down and on top of him. "Shuri reminded me that I've yet to try umbhako."

Uxolo perked up immediately, gasping softly. He'd remembered.

"Umbhako!" She repeated, and Bucky smiled, pride showing clearly through at his effort to delight her.

"I was thinking, once all of this is over, we could..." Uxolo was already nodding, pulling away and sitting up to face him.

"I would love that, Bucky."

Bucky smiled, reaching up to cup the back of her neck. He pulled her back down, attaching his lips to her forehead.

He didn't have it in him to tell her that this could be it, that this could be the last time he gets to hold her, to hear her, to simply look at her. Instead, he buried himself deeper into the couch and held her close.

But she didn't need to hear it. She knew it, could feel it in the way he clutched her and refused to let go.

He put his head in the crook of her neck, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. "missed you, sweetheart."

"I am here, Bucky." Uxolo smiled, turning her head to look at him.

His hand came up, thumb and index finger gently caressing her chin. "I always miss you."

She preened at the contact, leaning her face towards him to pull him in for a kiss. Their lips moved together slowly, his tongue licking a stripe against her bottom lip for her to decide whether or not if she wanted more. She did.

Bucky groaned at the hand that came up to grab his hair at the nape of his neck. His teeth gently nipped at her, his tongue swiping over the skin just as quickly to soothe it.

"I love you, Bucky," She assured him, peppering his face with kisses.

She rested her head against his chest, his  heartbeat like music against her ear. His big arms slipped around her, securing her to him.

It was then that he murmured her name, her full name, lips pressed to her skin, the warm air making her shiver nonetheless.

Uxolo looked up at him, shocked at the near perfect pronunciation from the man who often struggled to remember the difference between ezahlukeneyo and efanayo. Not only that, but he'd been able to translate it, too, the sound rushing through her body.

Inner peace.

"I picked up a few things from you." He said in response to her obvious confusion. He lifted up one of her curls, playing with soft end gently. "And if not you, then from the language lessons Shuri set me up with."

Uxolo shook her head, laughing. She pressed her head against the center of his chest, feeling his heart thump beneath her as her own went haywire.

"You're surprised." He smiled, massaging the back of her neck. "Why?"

She couldn't answer that, couldn't figure out the words that would properly explain it, at least not in the way she wanted to.

"didn' think I'd study up on the love of my life?" He tugged on the curl hard enough to draw her attention back up to him, supplementing it with a soft kiss to her cheek.

"I love you, Bucky." She replied quietly, smile nearly blinding him until he lifted the tags that were resting neatly against her chest, using them to pull her close into a searing kiss.

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now