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*5 years later*

Uxolo rounded the corner, entering the council room she'd only had the pleasure of seeing a handful of times.

The first after her grandfather had passed, an invitation by the golden tribe to celebrate his life and honor the legacy he left behind. Her family didn't formally belong to any of the Wakandan tribes, so the gesture was supposed to indicate that despite that, they were still welcomed and valued in Wakanda.

The second had been when the advisors and technicians discussed what to do with Bucky, officially deciding to call upon her and her psychological skills in an attempt to divide him from his conditioning. They'd explained to her how much of a danger he could be, the obstacles the entire assignment could pose.

And the third when she'd heard of Bucky's disappearance, have made an unscheduled visit herself, demanding to know everything that occurred during the battle.

How fitting it was that she'd see him for the first time in 5 years in this very room.

The room itself was very empty, modelled after the open spaces and naturalistic atmosphere that'd been included in the very first council meetings.

Usually, this room was delegated specifically to the Tribal Council, composed of the elders of the tribes of Wakanda and led by the King himself. She'd have recognized them in an instant had they been the ones who filled the room.

Okoye and the rest of the Dora Molijae nodded towards her as she wandered further into the room. She'd gotten closer to most of the them, relying on their strength and organization as she conducted her futile search for Bucky. The leader of the group laid a careful hand on her shoulder, more aware than probably anyone of what she'd lost, and how it was bound to feel to get it back. Uxolo reached up to squeeze her wrist gratefully.

Long ago, she'd been the designated woman people went to when they were having a rough time. And she'd loved it. Being able to hear the stories of the people she inhabited this land with, seeing the world through their eyes — even if just for a short time, had been intoxicating. She'd strived to help where she could, offering advice, resources, or even just a shoulder to lean on.

It'd been for the first time in a long while that she needed someone to lean on instead; that someone had been no other than Okoye, who'd watched her king and best friend disappear before her.

On the throne, which none other than Queen Ramona had occupied for the past 5 years, King T'Challa himself sat. As grateful as she was to see him returned to his full state, as confident and welcoming as he was despite the responsibilities that weighed on his shoulders, she'd fully expected to see him here.

That went for Shuri, too, who sat on the arm of the throne as she made mindless conversation with her brother. She loved and respected them both, full of admiration at just the sight of them ready to get back to work so soon, but they weren't who she wanted to see.

There were five other people, heroes, four of whom she'd never gotten to meet. But she had seen their faces and read their files: Sam Wilson — Falcon, Rocket, Dr. Bruce Banner, and Rhodey.

Everyone was laughing and talking, celebrating this sort-of-victory — all except Bucky, who loomed at the end of the group, observing in his silence. Uxolo was already standing closest to where he hovered, and he noticed her before the others did. He wore the same uniform she'd last seen him in, the dark blue covering him entirely. As much as she'd detested the sight all those years ago, it suited him well nonetheless.

When he picked up on her presence, the ice blue eyes she'd missed so much rose slowly to meet hers, holding her gaze with searing intensity. If it wasn't for the small crowd currently occupying the same room, she would have thrown herself at him and refused to let go. Considering the way he traced her movements, fists clenching and unclenching where they dangled by his sides, Bucky must've felt the same way.

She stood there for a moment, face flushed if she had the capacity to display it, chest rising and falling, staring at Bucky as if she might have been a ghost.

As she thought about him — how much she'd missed him, how hard she'd searched for him only to find she was as powerless as she was before — her breath hitched in her throat, unable to look away from him.

She feared that if she did, he'd disappear again.

His eyes slid away from her slowly, regretfully, only after completing a full-body scan to catalog any injuries. If she were feeling more playful, she might've done a little spin to make the process easier on him, to signal that she knew what he was doing and wasn't at all put off by it.

He looked to T'Challa, wordlessly getting his attention. Maybe it was the new way they'd all been forced to rely on each other, or maybe it was simply his aura and authority that commanded it, but Bucky immediately got the King's attention. He followed Bucky's look, and stopped at her as she stood silently near the archway.

It only got worse because the whole room fell silent then, looking at her. Shuri grinned and rose to her feet to greet her, anxious to gather the older woman in a hug. Knowing that the ever-present gaze on the back of her head belonged to no one other than Bucky, Uxolo felt pinned under all of the attention.

T'Challa must've noticed her nerves, because he smiled and gestured for her to come closer.

"It's nice to see you well, Uxolo." The King began, voice warm and kind. "Ndivile ukuba uligorha." (I've heard you've become quite the warrior.)

Uxolo bowed her head in acknowledgement, approaching the throne carefully. She tried to smile at Shuri, return the fond grin the younger woman directed at her now, but found it difficult to make her mouth move.

She wouldn't have called herself a warrior, especially not now that she got to know the likes of true fighters and warriors, but she accepted the compliment nonetheless. Uxolo wouldn't pretend that she was the same woman she'd been five years ago.

Where it would've been easy for her to see the beauty in this moment, the sheer strength of the individuals filling in this very room, now she could only think about how they, as powerful as they were, were expendable in the grand scheme of things.

"Ndiqinisekile uyabona ukuba kukho abahlobo bethu abasityeleleyo." (I'm sure you can see that some of our friends are visiting us.) The King explained, gesturing at the relatively silent group now crowding towards the center of the room.

Uxolo was sure more of them were roaming the country now, if not the palace itself, but she hadn't noticed anyone else. Hadn't cared about anyone else when she'd been informed that Bucky was here. Alive and well.

"Kutheni ndilapha, mhlekazi?" (Why am I here, sir?) She finally asked. They could stand here all day exchanging pleasantries, introductions, and catching up on the last few years.

That wasn't what she was here for, and wasn't what — who — she wanted to leave with.

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz