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Uxolo was not a fighter, at least not physically.

She was not a soldier, a warrior, nor did she possess otherworldly powers that would've made this entire thing easier. She did not have the instincts those around her did, nor their lengthy training experience. She'd learned enough to get by, to protect herself and those she held dear, but how effective could those simplified lessons be in the face of an alien army with foreign powers and abilities?

She wasn't a leader, a scientist, an explorer, no position similar to or worthy of even being in the presence of so many champions. Because that's what these people were: Captain America, Iron Man, and so many more; all of these individuals she'd only heard of in tale. They were the champions of Earth.

But standing beside the love of her life before the open portal, armed head to toe in a variety of protective gear and long-range weapons, Uxolo felt like she could take on the world. She felt like so much more than she actually was. And that made her think:

Maybe it wasn't the powers, or the instincts, or even the experience that made all of the fighters around her heroes. Maybe it was simply that they were fighting for something bigger and better than themselves.

She overlooked the field in front of her, unable to picture the green pasture and bright lakes it used to be, replaced by dark, dark debris and fire. The dirt had been uprooted, utterly flipped on its head. She tried to identify the heroes in front of her, and recognized the back of T'Challa's head almost immediately. Her attention was soon caught by the sight of Sam Wilson flying through the air and the various heroes standing ground far ahead of her.

So many individuals prepared to lay their life on the line for sheer millions of people who probably would never know the extent of what would occur today. What had been occurring, and what occurred years ago. And still, they stood their ground. They readied their gear, chanted, and prepared to fight what could very well be their last battle.

Uxolo may not be a fighter. But she was nonetheless going to fight for what was hers.

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now