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Bucky reached for the remote and switched the TV off. He scooped his arms under her back and legs and lifted her into his arms effortlessly. Bucky maneuvered effortlessly through her— their home, taking each turn and curving around the furniture as if a day hadn't passed. Uxolo had to remember: for him, it hadn't.

He carried her to their bedroom, head coming to rest briefly against the door frame, hazy eyes peering out from beneath dark lashes. She smiled, "Why would I ever want to be rid of you? My beloved knight in shining armor. "

"don' know about a knight," Bucky chuckled, reaching behind her body to push the door further open. Flesh and metal hands found their way to her hips as she shuffled them towards the bed, pressing searing kisses to warm skin and kicking the door shut behind them. There was no extreme need to, but given the upcoming battle, he didn't want to think about a portal opening up and revealing them in an other-than-warrior state.

With a pleased hum, Bucky cradled her in his arms and gently lowered her to the mattress, climbing up on his knees to thread his fingers through dark kinks and cradle her head in his hands. He dipped down and captured her lips once more, hungry and sweet, slow and sensual, stealing her breath a little at a time.

Uxolo would've happily suffocated if it was because of him, gentle hands wandering across his chest before sliding southward to dip beneath the fabric of his skin-tight shirt.

Gradually pushing the garment upwards, she paused when she reached Bucky's arms, their kiss ending long enough for her to remove it. Her own soon followed suit, hands and fingers wandering along warm, tanned skin.

" 'm gonna make y'feel good, doll." Bucky whispered, voice rumbling through his chest as he settled himself between her thighs. He bent over her body to pepper kisses along her neck and shoulders, favoring the spot behind her ear just to make her tremble and giggle. "Like you deserve."

While he distracted his lover with heated kisses, his fingers got to work unbuckling and unbuttoning the remnants of her clothes. He peeled buttery soft leathers down over her hips and legs, kissing down over dimpled thighs as he slipped them free of her ankles.

Bucky dipped his head and nuzzled his nose along the crease of Uxolo's thigh, breath warm and beard rasping over her skin. Icy blue peeked from below thick, dark lashes, searching out liquid silver, a low rumble permeating through the air.

Shifting atop the blankets, Uxolo couldn't help the tense in her torso, lowering her free hand to push back some of Bucky's hair, a cheeky grin tugging at his lips.

Bucky stroked his warm, rough palm over one of her tensed thighs. He braced himself on an elbow and brought his cool metal fingers up to slide along her core. He entered her with little resistance, setting a slow, sedate pace.

"How's that feel, bright eyes," He purred, leaning up to kiss along her hip and belly, "That makin' ya feel nice? Think you could relax for me?"

A sound caught itself in her throat, dark lashes fluttering. Letting her head fall back she gripped the blankets at her side, fighting the urge to roll her hips upward into those teasing fingers.

"I'm trying." Uxolo breathed, feeling her body grow exhausted from how harshly she was tensed. "I'm sorry."

Bucky was shushing her immediately, seductive gaze turning sweet and concerned as he leaned up to make sure she was okay. He removed his finger from within her and reached up to cradle her face, keeping it away from her skin.

"Hey, hey, hey— love, we don' have to do this if you don' want to." He reassured her, voice as low and comforting as he could get it. "We can stop and just—"

"No. I— I need you." Uxolo shifted, urging her mind to quiet.

How ridiculous was it that she'd spent the last 5 years missing everything about him -- dreaming of his soft eyes and equally soft touches, always so careful -- and now that he was actually here, right before her eyes, she couldn't calm herself enough to even take in the moment for what it was.

She admitted as much, "I want to, Bucky. I really want to, I have missed you so much."

At that, Bucky nodded, comforted himself by the explicit consent. He still needed her to relax, needed her out of her head and here with him.

His half-lidded eyes took her in for a moment, flickering across her face, willing himself to display the same care and consideration she'd always showed him. He knew a little something about having a chaotic mind, so many thoughts and much more energy rolling through, making it impossible to focus on what was going on in the moment. He'd lived like that for longer than he could remember, and there was only one thing -- one person -- that he found could remedy it.

Uxolo heaved a heavy breath and tried to simply take in the weight of his hands that he snaked around her back, lifting her slightly in order to pull her closer and farther up the bed. Her breath hitched in her throat when his hands slid down her back, slowly tracing a path to her waist, then her hips. His fingers trailed an electrifying touch down her body.

"I've got you, sweetheart," Bucky murmured, pressing kisses to her cheek and neck before trailing the tip of his tongue in between her breasts down to her pelvis. Soft, warm lips pressed to the center head of her core, sweet and chaste, and his tongue darted out to gather the liquid oozing from where she needed him most.

He tilted his head to take a proper swipe up the length of her core, his metallic fingers following after. He began an even slower steadier rhythm than before, a few thrusts of his index finger, followed by the flicking of his tongue across her clit.

Uxolo took a deep breath, feeling herself begun to relax with every kiss pressed into her skin, ever slow thrust of his fingers into her core. Soft, warm lips danced across delicate flesh, that sinful tongue flicking and teasing along her slit. A shiver ran through her, raising goosebumps along her arms and thighs.

"Atta girl," Bucky breathed along slick, sensitive flesh, then gave here thigh a little squeeze, "You letting go for me, hmm?"

Uxolo's thoughts derailed when he ran his flesh hand up her flank and teased at her chest, circling one of the hardened buds with a blunt nail.

Bucky was no expert at these kinds of acts, but between what little experience he had before the fall, his lover's thorough instruction, and no small amount of enthusiasm, he had learned how to properly tend to her needs.

Getting her to relax underneath him, to take deep breaths and take things slower than even she was used to, was new for him. It was usually the reverse, where Uxolo had to pet him into tranquility and out of his racing mind. He was happy to do the same for her.

He pulled away from her clit with a wet pop and swiped the back of his metallic hand over his lips. A lazy smile curled his lips as he moved up to kiss her thoroughly, bringing her leg along with him. As he trailed sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw and suckled behind her ear, a low whimper filled her chest.

Uxolo huffed at the gentle touches, her hand snaking out to drag sharp nails across his chest down to his stomach. She pulled back for a brief moment, if only to dip her fingers beneath the hem of Bucky's pants to try and tug him closer.

"Y're making it hard to go slow, now," Bucky teased. He nibbled at her earlobe and hummed, pleased at the progress she was making.

"I don't want to go slow." Uxolo breathed with a quiver in her voice. The corner of her mouth twitched upward, eyes flickering across his face.

Removing his fingers from where they were wrapped around the side of her neck and jaw Bucky curled them around the dog tags hanging from her neck. Tugging his companion a little closer, alleviating the pressure of the chain digging into her neck by lifting her torso up with his other hand, he pressed his words into her lips.

"No. But, 's what you need, 'Lo. I know it."

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now