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"It is very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Barnes. I have heard much about you."

Bucky kept pace with the woman he'd learned was named Uxolo, adjusting his currently unbalanced gait to match hers. She'd led him away from Shuri's lab and into the heart of Wakanda, allowing him to see what the nation looked like for the first time. Flying above it while nearly bleeding out didn't really count.

"From the news?" He asked.

He had belatedly acknowledged her lack of security, a mistake he'd never seen before, given his reputation. He might not have his arm, but he'd seen enough from the back of his mind to know that such a thing didn't make him any less of a threat.

One thing he forced himself to remember, however, was that Wakanda and the people within it flourished under secrecy. The kid kicking a soccer ball down the pathway could be a 3rd level operative for all he knew.

"No." Uxolo said softly, simply. "From your friends."

"Oh yeah?"

Bucky didn't think he had any true friends, besides Steve. And, to his knowledge, the punk super soldier was in hiding; not somewhere he had time to respond to "Describe your brainwashed assassin friend in 3 words" surveys.

"I've heard that you're loyal. A leader through and through." She continued as if he had never spoken. She rounded a corner and Bucky turned with her, one eye in front of him and the other, as always, scanning his surroundings and beyond. "Someone willing to sacrifice themselves time and time again if need be."

"And are you here to test that?"

"No, of course not." Uxolo replied, hand readjusting to get a better grip on the book under her arm. "I think I will be better able to explain everything to you in just a moment."

"Yeah, Shuri didn't...."

She laughed, a short, low sound that he wouldn't have heard if he wasn't... him. "She is the most talented designer to grace this country and has defeated many odds. She is not a people-person, however."

Bucky didn't need to be told that twice. "And you are?"

They came to a stop in front of a booth, of sorts; a box of metal labeled with various symbols he couldn't read. He'd been taught every major language under the sun, and yet here he was, surrounded by an entire culture he hadn't known existed until a short while ago. Well, for him it was a short while; he didn't even know what day it was. Something he was familiar with.

"I would not say so." Uxolo said. She gestured up towards the booth, "Would you like to eat something while we talk?"

Bucky shook his head, looking around. "I don't really get... hungry, all that often."

"Okay." She said breezily, not skipping a beat, "Drinks, then. Tea?"


She led him to a cluster of seats near the booth, pointing at the seat opposite hers for him to fill. "Do you know which flavor you would like to try?"


"I recommend Rooibos," Uxolo told him, gracing him with a kind smile. "It is smooth, an herbal tea by nature."

"Sure." He nodded; it was tea. How extraordinary could it taste?

"Not sure." She said, giving an attempt at mocking his accent that made Shuri's seem golden. "Would you like to try Rooibos?"

"Yes." Bucky answered. "Thank you."

"It is no problem."

Bucky watched her go in silence. He was, and this was something unusual for him of all people to feel, confused. He was used to that momentary unease that came with being awoken after god knows how long, but this sense of confusion was unfamiliar and, above all, uncomfortable.

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now