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Even though Uxolo felt much better than she had yesterday — whether that was due to having a good night's sleep or Bucky's presence, she wasn't completely sure — she still felt that iconic grogginess that came with common sickness.

She was a bit slow, sluggish, sloppy, even as she embarked on the hours-long journey that was de-tangling her hair. Bucky watched, idly, as she repeatedly drenched her hair in water, ran her brush through the strands — from the ends to the top, that part seemed important — and then twisted the section in its entirety.

She was fast, fingers fluttering from this part to that, from this brush to that conditioning bottle, all while making simple conversation with him. As much he tried, he couldn't help but he enthralled by the entire process.

The ladies he'd known growing up used to dote over themselves, sure, but he'd never truly and genuinely observed such an in-depth process. They'd simply combed their hair and wrapped it around those little rollers his mom used to have in abundance. How she even had the energy to do all of this was beyond him; before the serum, even the common cold would knock him and Steve on their asses for at least a week.

He figured maybe she was experiencing a burst of energy, spurred by the list of activities she knew she had to get done. That seemed like something Uxolo would do: brush aside her own well-being temporarily in order to complete required tasks.

Bucky's suspicions were proven correct — with no small amount of smugness at that fact — when she teetered over after finishing off the last twist, snuggling into one of her couch pillows.

He'd almost been worried when he saw how quickly she'd fallen asleep, freshly done and still damp hair pressed against the pillow. Then, he'd heard that snore thing she did, so quiet he was sure to be the only one able to hear it.

She was out like a light.


A voice sounded in Uxolo's ear and her unconscious bliss opened into a slow, groggy, and head-pounding awareness that she was unfortunately pulled from a deep sleep.

Finally getting her eyes open, she felt a weight lift from her legs as arms moved around her. She felt her heart rush blood back through her body, waking her up in realization that she had been sleeping in Bucky's arms.

The man was gently working his way around her, being almost unnecessarily careful to not jostle her too much. She felt her heart skip a beat. He was so soft and gentle and waking up in his arms was literal heaven; so why was he getting up?

She sleepily tracked him as he walked away and exited the room. She heard him rummage around in her kitchen for a bit, arms full upon his return as he made eye contact with her and raised his arms in indication to whatever he was bringing.

Oh. He was bringing stuff for her.

Uxolo felt all warm and special, sending him a brief smile as she sat up. He sat next to her and handed her some water, and then handed her a bowl once she was done. Within, was some of the leftover soup from the previous night, reheated on the stovetop (she had to give him some brownie points for that), if she'd heard the clicking of the stove correctly.

He was taking care of her.

As she slurped on her soup, she recalled how much she truly liked this feeling—waking up in the arms of a beautiful, kind man who took care of her like it was second nature. It wasn't, though. Not to him, and yet somehow that made her feel even more valuable.

"Thank you, Bucky." Uxolo said once she'd finished.

Bucky said simply, "Y'need to rest more, y'know that, right?"

She smiled, and did as directed, grabbing the couch pillow she remembered falling asleep on and patting the cushion beside her. A little confused, Bucky plopped on the designated space, arm thrown around the back of the couch to make room for her. The speed of his heart rocketed when she laid across the couch, feet up on the opposite end with her head balanced on his thighs, facing his tummy.

It was only when Bucky settled his arm over her hip, realizing just how she intended to rest more, that she finally asked:

"You put all of my things away, didn't you?"

"Yeah." He responded simply.

He'd tried, anyway.

Most of the bottles and bigger things were easy to put away, as their respective homes had other bottles just like it. He'd set her hairbrush and towel on the bathroom countertop, finding it to be the best place for them.

She cracked an eye open, glancing up at him. "And you put my bonnet over my hair."

Bucky hummed in affirmation, and then in a rare show of energy: "So, they are called bonnets! Was drivin' myself crazy tryin'ta remember the name, an' at first I couldn' even find it, so I was thinkin' about just grabbin' the towel you'd dried it with—"

Uxolo laughed, pushing up against his legs so she could face him for a moment. "How'd you know?"

"Huh?" Bucky stopped his rambling, realizing he was going on and on about hair care, for some reason.

"How did you know to put the bonnet over my hair?"

"Well, you always put it on when it's nighttime. And you always wear it to bed, so I figured..." He sputtered, shifting briefly so he could stare down at her incredulously. "Go to sleep."

"You have no idea how sweet you are, Bucky." Uxolo said gently anyway, smiling, leaning in to kiss his check.

He stared, for just a moment. His brain didn't completely filter what she'd said — it was so very Bucky of him to ignore compliments, was it not? — but it definitely caught the warmth of her lips against his skin.

Emboldened, he pressed his right hand against the back of her neck, leaned down. and brushed his lips against her temple very carefully, delicately, just in case this wasn't allowed. He stole that little forehead-kiss, brushed against her skin under false pretenses.

Uxolo smiled up at him, still, showing him that it was okay. Eventually, she settled back into his lap, his body like a much needed furnace.

She went in and out of sleep, and each time she woke to his pleasant touches along her side and her jawline. She'd blink a few times and try to hide her smile, but he always noticed.

He'd pretend not to, knowing she was only hiding in the first place for his sake, and he was already feeling a bit jittery with all of this foreign affection. Bucky also figured that if he called her out on her cuteness, he just might end up being the focus of its weaponization.

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now