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There was a crack in her facade, a look of desperation as her body relaxed back into the bed. "Bucky--"

Bucky gently hushed her with a kiss to her parted lips, licking into her mouth and tasting her, a pleased rumble running through him. He slid his hand back down the front of her body, a probing finger pressing in and out, a slow stretch made easier to bear by the cool slide of smooth metal.

"Don' worry, doll," Bucky breathed against her cheek as he tilted his head to press his lips there again and again, "I'm gonna give ya what ya want."

Just a little deeper and the blunt tip of his metallic finger was brushing her sweet spot, teasing over it a few times before retreating to start the whole process again. Bucky was slow, but with unerring accuracy, the cool glide of metal, and soft, soothing murmurs, "I love you, y'hear me? I'm not goin' anywhere."

Uxolo's breath escaped her in a rush, fisting her hand in his hair, holding his face close as he loosened her up. He did so diligently, working her open carefully with one finger, then two, then three for quite a while, just for good measure. He touched her as if they had years here to spend together, thinking nothing of the war and battle that waited for them outside of that door. With the way things were going, Uxolo had a feeling he wouldn't stop even if a portal opened up right beside them.

Bucky couldn't keep the small grin from his lips as he crawled the length of her body, dragging his lips down and back up, across whatever patch of naked skin that crossed his path.

Finally, he settled his hands on either side of her head and beamed down at her. He kissed her cheek. "How you feeling, baby?"

She hummed, high off of the attention. Long, lean legs found their way around the super soldier's hips, the heel of one foot giving a firm nudge to Bucky's ass. She didn't need to say anything for him to know what she wanted, twitching when she sneaked a hand down to where his cock was hard and aching between them, drooling against his lower belly. Soon enough, he was lining up and pressing in, slow but inexorable.

Uxolo groaned out a curse in her native tongue the moment Bucky slipped inside. The stretch was divine; he wanted to savor her, take his good sweet time and worship the patient, loving woman he'd been lucky enough to snag and keep.

"There ya go, little darlin'." Bucky purred as he leaned in to devour her delectable mouth, "This everything you missed?"

One arm curled around her thigh and the other bracing himself on the bed, Bucky began rocking his hips, setting a slow and steady pace, long, firm strokes that made his thighs shake with the effort to keep from just pounding her into the bed.

Bucky groaned, hips hitching as he sunk to the hilt inside of her. Uxolo stifled a particularly squeaky sound when Bucky praised her and sank to the deepest parts of her, a shiver of delight breaking goosebumps out across her skin.

Her arms left their position long enough to fist a handful of dark hair, bringing him in for a kiss that was all tongue and teeth. In it, he felt remnants of the sweet, slow kisses Uxolo used to provide. It gave him whiplash, to have gone from that to... this. Claiming and possessive.

Dark lashes swept over pale blue eyes, Uxolo pulling back to catch her breath and to keep the world from spinning away.

"Touch me?" Uxolo asked with a breathy sigh, her hand grasping one of Bucky's own, bringing it to her core.

Bucky stretched himself over her, resting on his elbow to keep from crushing her, and shoved the opposite hand between them to rub her clit. With a pleased grunt, Bucky resumed thrusting, though he was having a much harder time keeping slow and steady. Every third buck of his hips was just a little harder, a little faster, and he didn't seem inclined to correct it. Instead, he tangled his metal fingers in Uxolo's hair and held her head still while he kissed her breathless and hungry, panting into her open mouth.

Uxolo whimpered out in pleasure at Bucky's touch. It was warm, gentle and soft -- she figured he'd used his flesh hand purposefully -- and it was perfect, matching Bucky's thrusts and the increasing tempo. Pressing into the kiss, Uxolo moaned into it openly, the pleasure in her belly building higher and higher.

Like a bowstring pulled too taut and finally let loose, Uxolo's orgasm ripped through her, back arching off of the bed below, her hips jerking and stuttering. Sweaty and panting, she laid gasping for air, stars winking in and out of her vision as the world threatened to fade away. She was thankful even for this, Bucky her grounding rock to keep her from flying away.

Bucky followed a few short thrusts later, a low grunt the only signal before he emptied into his lover, filling her with sticky heat. His arm shook as he braced himself above her, his eyelids fluttering between open and shut as he circled his hips to churn his release within. His breath was ragged, sweat dripping down his body.

"Holy fuck, 'Lo," Buck whispered as he dropped an open-mouthed kiss to her shoulder, his whole body shivering with the aftershocks of orgasm, his voice quavering with it, "I love you."

A pleasant shiver crept down her spine upon hearing Bucky's words, dull nails raking across the warm skin of her back as she clung to him. Eventually, the flighty feeling faded, and Uxolo's arms slid away, resting comfortably surrounded by the body that shook above her.

Hooking her leg around Bucky's waist, she took his momentary distraction as opportunity to flip their positions, pinning him against the bed below. Leaning in, she stole a kiss, before finally pulling back, their foreheads resting together.

Bucky hummed happily back at her, nibbling playfully at her lips until he was satisfied.

Stretching out across his form, Uxolo rested her head upon his shoulder, dark lashes falling low as she nestled in close. Her hand came to rest over his heart. "You will never know how much I missed you."

" 'm sorry you had to go through that, doll." He whispered sincerely, hand grasping the back of her neck as he lurched up to press a kiss to her forehead. "can't imagine what I would'a done if I'd been in your shoes."

Uxolo smiled sadly at the thought, prepping her chin on his chest to be able to peer up at him as they spoke. "You would have gotten answers much faster than me. That, I am sure of."

Bucky hummed in denial.

He wasn't sure he would've been as coherent as she was, unable to think straight until he had her in his arms. He wouldn't have even been able to express what was happening enough for someone to even be able to tell him what happened. And then, Bucky wondered, he probably wouldn't have even believed it. He probably would've spent a long time traversing the land, digging through each and every pile of rubble until he found a sign of her.

" 'Lo—"He scratched along her neck mindlessly, smiling when her eyes slowly blinked open, "That day... when we were in the kitchen. You said uyandingcwaba. What does that mean?"

Uxolo did not need a reminder more than that, having recalled the day as one of the last they'd spent together. She had relived that day, among others, quite often in the past 5 years, replaying every soft touch, every sheepish smile, every kiss they'd shared.

She pressed a kiss to the center of his chest before she began to explain. "In my culture, we know death intimately. Uyandingcwaba is the highest expression of love. If translated directly, it means you will bury me. But it means I love you so much that I would sooner die than bury you."

Uxolo pressed herself further against him, if that were even possible, her heartfelt words stamped into his skin. "We cannot talk about love without speaking death's name."

He smiled slightly, if only to hide how utterly shaken her commitment had left him, "I believe you have a story to tell me, 'Lo."

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now