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Bucky didn't used to be the kind of guy that would wait for anyone.

At least not when he had the choice. At least back then.

Buck was gone for Uxolo, though, and he was happy to wait up for her. The universe knew she'd waited much longer for him.

Uxolo arrived back home both physically and emotionally exhausted. A part of her aching for nothing more than a hot cup of tea and some warm blankets. Both of which were already waiting for her. The one who'd prepared those things seemed to be waiting for her as well.

Silent footsteps brought Uxolo to stand in front of the couch, the tense lines on her face softening at the sight before her. Bucky had been waiting for her, since they'd departed by the guess of it. His blue vest lay discarded at his feet, leaving him in just the skin-tight long sleeve that he wore beneath it. The cup of tea on the coffee table was cold, and the blanket the two of them usually shared was resting haphazardly on the floor and in the soldier's lap.

She'd left everything the way it'd been before his disappearance, if only to hold on to any part of him that she could, so she was not at all shocked that he'd found and used her favorite mug. He'd probably ducked his head the way he used to, to ensure he didn't knock his head into the frame of the doorways.

Still, they didn't have long together. The next battle could ensue at any moment.

Uxolo sighed through her nose and smiled fondly nonetheless, a hand extending to brush away a few stray locks of hair from Bucky's face. She knew better than to surprise or startle her companion, even after all these years, which is why she hoped her presence would be noted soon enough.

Bucky's hand circled her wrist before his eyes even opened. It was some comfort that he didn't wake as violently as he used to, having grown used to her.

Dark lashes fluttered as Bucky gently cradled her palm to his cheek, scenting the light perfume that followed her everywhere. He pressed warm, smooth lips to her palm and turned winter sky blues to meet dark honey, a soft, affectionate rumble slipping from his lips.

He released her wrist in favor of twining their fingers together and gently coaxed her down into his lap. Warm and soft from his mid-day dozing, he curled his arms around her. Voice low and sleep-rough, he rumbled, "Mmh, missed you, bright-eyes..."

Uxolo eased further into Bucky's lap, a sigh of contentment escaping as she got herself comfortable. "I have missed you infinitely, my darling."

Draping the blanket over them both, Uxolo melted beneath it. The added weight as well as the comfort of being close to the one she loved made her heart soar. Bringing their twined fingers to her lips, she pressed kisses over his scarred knuckles. She mimicked his gesture from before, cradling their joined hands to her cheek, rubbing softly against the rough skin of his hand.

"You waited a long time for me, 'Lo." Bucky murmured, tucking his chin over her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her cheek. He hugged her closer, nuzzling his nose into her hair.

A gentle, albeit teary chuckle was plucked free her chest, hands resting atop the soldier's own. "I would wait lifetimes for you, Bucky."

"Oh, doll," Bucky drawled and pressed a stubbly kiss to her shoulder. He leaned in close and nuzzled his bearded cheek along her skin and rumbled, voice low and smooth, "You've been so strong for me, haven' you?"

With a breathy affirmation she returned the kiss with one of her own, slender arms circling Bucky's neck. Leaning in close, she struggled to contain the heavy breath built up in her chest, lips brushing against the shell of his ear.

A little shiver shot down Bucky's spine at the touch and his arms tightened minutely around her frame. A low purr rumbled in his chest as he nosed at her jaw, telling her carefully, "You can let go, now."

Because he could tell she was doing anything but. As happy as she was to have him back, something he could tell from her words and actions alike, there was something tensed and quiet about her. The last he'd seen her, even when he'd been off to fight in the war that separated them, she'd been as optimistic and joyful as possible. She'd spoken to him about their love, about war and fighting to defend what was theirs. Even as she spoke about the horrors he'd faced firsthand, there'd been something so relaxed about her. Or maybe he hadn't paid enough attention to see otherwise.

Regardless, the distinction was obvious to him now. He figured it'd be weirder if she was the same, given he'd disappeared into dust what everyone told him was five years ago.

Bucky dipped his head and took her lips in a slow and claiming kiss, warm and simmering with the potential for so much more. Her hand slid into his hair, curling into silky strands in an effort to hold him close.

When the kiss ended, she chased after him, only stopping when he nipped at her lower lip with a hum.

" 'm not going anywhere. Never again, y'hear me?" He pulled away so that they were nose to nose and eye to eye, sharing the same air and feeling the slight tremor of need between them, "you ain't ever gettin' rid of me."

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now