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Dr. Banner — Hulk, Dr. Hulk, Smart Hulk, Professor Hulk? Uxolo had lost count of the long and ever-growing list of names the man had — made a few last minute adjustments to the device before him, murmuring himself through a mental checklist.

He called out to Steve, Captain America, not too long after, "You'd better get going. We're
almost ready for you."

Uxolo watched, sidelined, as Steve and Sam approached a large, metallic platform. It reminded her of a cracked shell of an egg, small tendrils framing the side and shooting up vertically.

As the two men chatted shortly, all smiles and shoulder pats, her gaze immediately shifted to Bucky. He stood a good distance in front of her, waiting for his turn to to speak with Steve. She tried to make out what he was feeling in the moment, but without being able to see his face and his eyes, she was at an utter loss. Still, she remained, even on the off-chance that he needed her, even for just a moment.

Once he finished speaking with Sam, Steve approached Bucky next, smiling softly, "Don't do anything stupid 'til I get back, okay?"

"How can I?" He shrugged. "You're taking all the stupid with you."

She could spot Steve's wide smile even from here, struggling to hide her own when Bucky took a step forward to return a long hug.

He sighed, pulling away with a rather rough pat on the shoulder. "Gonna miss you, buddy."


"It's going to be okay, Buck." Steve reassured him quietly, swiping at the underside of his nose before pointing in her direction. "You're going to be very busy, I'm sure."

It was then that Bucky turned to face her, always aware of her presence even if he couldn't see her. She cataloged as much of his expression as she could in the moment, taking careful steps forward as he waved her to him.

He looked... resigned. Not necessarily content but, as if saying without saying that he will be okay.

Oh. So this one wasn't really a funeral, but instead an opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one. This one, Uxolo knew, would hurt Bucky much more.

She hurried her steps a bit more, walking into the slot he'd opened for her. She smiled softly at Bucky, wrapping an arm around his waist as he wrapped his own around her shoulders.  

Bucky squeezed her closer, "Steve, this is—"

"Uxolo. I know." Steve interrupted almost immediately. He grinned at the sight of his best friend so obviously happy and appreciated by someone he loved. He reached his hand out towards her, "It's nice to meet you ma'am. I'm—"

"Steve. I know." She teased, shaking his hand nonetheless. "It is nice to meet you too."

And in classic Uxolo fashion, she stepped out of Bucky's grasp and gathered his best friend in a hug, pushing up on her toes to be able to place her chin on his shoulder.

Steve hadn't been expecting the hug, but he accepted it nonetheless, wrapping his arms around her loosely. He mumbled quietly, "Take care of him, will you?"

"Of course." Uxolo replied immediately. "Thank you."

Thank you for knowing him, thank you for sticking by his side, thank you for fighting alongside him, thank you for finding him and defending him, thank you for bringing him to me.

Eyes of Fire | Bucky BarnesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu