why now?

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(tw gore)


My legs. I can't move my arms. 

A few steps away I heard a wailed cry. Sounded like she's in pain. I can't remember- Lana? She was just standing in front of me. Her eyes were staring at me, like she saw a ghost. Her face was pale, was it because I yelled at her? What did I even say? 


Oh god, what happened? I'm on my back, but I can't see. Oh wait, I see the ugly coloured ceiling. 


Please just stop yelling, Lana. It's too loud..

My ears are ringing, is it from her yelling in my ears? Or- the breeze is on my face. The window must be open.

"Jesse they are going to take us! Please!"

I gasp for air. It's quaking and crackling like theres dust in my throat, rocks in my lungs. I manage to open one eye fully, then turning my head to my right to see Lana up against the wall. Blood soaked her completely. "lana, you're bleeding.." I mention to her. My voice was soft but injured.

"It's.. not mine." She wobbled her words. Lana pointed before her, between me and her. A large piece of the ceiling lay before us, blood splattered from under it. It was like how you'd expect to step on a tomato, splattered. "it's franklin..."

I jumped up, out of shock. "Franklin?! Can you hear me?" No. How could he? His head was exploded. 

"Jesse they are going to take us.."

I looked at her, i felt my eyes widen, but nothing came out of my stupid mouth. "Answer me! I don't know what to do!"

I flinched as a hand grabbed my underarm, pulling me up and pushing me away from what happened. What happened was, a unknown ship came in and blew a massive hole in the wall. How come Winston didn't tell us there was a ship? Lana was also taken, with these men in masks. They weren't talon? Who were they? 

I was thrown on this shitty looking ship. Lana beside me.

I looked up, I could tell my eye was shut by a wound. 

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head up to stare into red eyes of the girl who done this. I hated her. "Ashe-" I received a punch.

"I've always told you Cree, you are a son of a bitch. You don't understand a single thing about this world and you only accept the ideal that it revolves around you." I felt her against my face and she pressed a kiss? I just sat there. Once she pulled away and looked at me up and down, she smirked. "Lets wrap it up boys, we got something to do.."

(short chapter cause i need to reread this all. I just deleted like, 5 pages of stuff I wrote a year ago that belongs in this chapter. But I wanted to add something more of my style~)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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