Commander Morrison

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                   {Timeskip 1 week}
                        Pov: Hanzo

  I was awake, making my morning tea as usual. Meditating. Then taking a walk around. There was nothing to do, but visit some people, or Angela comes over to see if Jesses wound. Jesse is getting better every day. He now stretches his muscles. His wound isn't a big problem anymore.
  "Hanzo! Can ya come here for a sec?" He called me over. I walked over saying "Yes?"
"How much days has it been?" His question sounded suspicious... so I played along. "A few days.. around 13-15.." he sighed rolling his head back on his chair. I tilted my head "why?..." 
he shrugged "It felt like it's been a month..." I smirked.

              *Bang bang bang*

   The door been knocked on three times. "I'll get that." Jesse got up and walked out the the room. I followed.
Jesse opened the door to see Commander Morrison. We stood up straight, his hair was turning a little white. He was getting old for a Commander. His around 50? But looks younger.
"I've come to retreat you soldiers for a discussion, and while we do that. Would you like to come for coffee?" He was so polite. He was really nice- unless we do something crazy.
"Yes sir!" Jesse smiled. I nodded with him, both saying we would like to go for some food.
"Then I'll meet you down at my office." Jack smiled and left.
Jesse closed the door, spun around and almost exploded with excitement. "COFFEE?! FOOD?!" He squealed. "CALM DOWN..." I'd yell at him.
He calmed.
We got our fancy suits on, of course I didn't. I didn't really wear tuxedos, I just wore what I had.

  We left our room, remembering to to bring the card.
  We walked down the hallway and down down stairs, we seen Lena talking to someone. She waved and we waved back.
  "Lena's nice." Jesse said, adjusting his hat on his head. "Mhmm." I nodded. I remembered what she said "What ever your sad about- talk to someone. Or even me!"  She gave good advice.
  We arrived at Morrison's office. We gave a knock and walked in. He was sitting in a chair and a table in front of him, with two other chairs. Guessing we had to sit there. "Hello gentlemen." He crossed his legs. Jesse and I sat down, noticing how comfortable the seats were.
  "Since your the first ones here, I need to inform you that we are planning a war against the Omnics."
  WHAT. "But everyone's out! They are not even here at Overwatch!?" My heart began to pound hard in my chest.
"But I believe you are ready enough for anything. Comparing from what you just fought from." He was right, they were trying to kidnap us. Maybe kill us.
Morrison interrupted, "call me Jack." Jack smiled. When he said that I raised a brow. Questioning why he said that.
" I want to more close to my cadets when it comes to fights or battles.."
I understood what he meant. He wanted to know more about us. Before we die. I think.
"Now, the Omnic's are pretty strong. Because they are made of steal and whatsoever. But we can win this war even if it costs us all our lives." He sounded pretty confident. So I went with it, "ok. When will you think the war will start?" Jesse said leaning back in his comfy chair. "A few weeks- or so." Jack crossed his arms.
"The rest of the cadets will be arriving in another week. And that's where the hard core training starts."
I nodded. The door flew open and there stood a beautiful woman with a blue cap. She had a tattoo design on her left right eye.
"Jack- I have you seen Pharah?" She ran through the room, scamming every hiding spot she could.
"No. why?" He looked at her, "Ana. She's not in here. Go check in the cafeteria."
Ana left with a nod, she slammed the door behind her.
I heard Jesse jump a bit when the door slammed behind him.
"Who's she?" I'd say.
"My trustful companion, Ana." He smiled. I could tell they were friends for a long time. "And- is she your wife?"  Jesse said, blushing a bit. "N-no." Jack looked away. I elbowed Jesse in the side making him shut up.
"Well anyway. Ana has a daughter who will be joining us in the war, her names Pharah. Just a little younger than you two." He looked back at me. Eyeing me.
"Ok. Will we meet her later?" I said politely, locking my fingers on my lap.
"I guess so." Jack stood up, walking towards his coffee pot. "Coffee?" He said, his back turned to us.
"Yes please!" Jesse said, adjusting his hat. "No thanks." I'm not quite a caffeine person. I drink coffee when I wake up early. But tea and saké is my favorite.
(If ya guys don't know what Saké is- it's a Japanese rice wine XD)
"Suit yourself." Jesse pecked in.
My anger went up 10%. I didn't want to flare up in front of Jack. It would show that I would unstable with my emotions. I guess I am.
"After your coffee you should go and practice. " Jack said walking up to his chair. He put his mug closer to him, then passed the steaming mug to Jesse.

Jesse gulped down the coffee faster then I thought. So We excused ourselves and left. Know what?

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