How to hug a short person 101

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Pov: Hanzo

The target was staring at me with his red eye. Wanting to shoot it with my arrow to make it stop staring. That's what I've always thought of the target. It would be a giant monster or creature, staring at me, I would have to shoot it in the eye for it to be dead.
I practiced holding my arrow in many different angles, to see which is best. The slanted angle is best, I could tell I had a good aim and a better pull at the string.

"One, two, three." I whispered, trying to focus on the target, but instead; Jesses face came up in my mind.
I gripped my bow, trying to focus more on the aim then Jesses handsome face.
I finally put down my bow, frowning. "Ugh." I moaned to myself. I couldn't, I can't focus.

I went over to sit down on a bench nearest to me. "This is so frustrating".
I burst out to myself.
Just seeing his face almost makes me want to go to him, and hug him. Breath in his smell. Looking into his eyes- stop! Focus. Got a war in a few weeks- or earlier. "Tsk." I had to go find him. Maybe I can train with him?

                {Pov: Jesse McCree}

  I was practicing on dodging. I was horrible and was always getting hit. "Jesse?" The first thing that I heard behind me, Hanzo's voice. "Oh- Hanzo." I'd turn around, facing Hanzo.

"Can- can I-" he was acting shy.

"What?" I said smirking. He'd blush, he put his arms out and looked away.
I guessed he wanted a hug.

"Ok." I hugged him. His so cute! I couldn't help myself! I picked him up off his feet. I felt him wiggle until he calmed down.

"Jesse?" I heard him say into my ear,

"yes?" Respawning to my name.

"Love you." He held tighter. "You too, hun' "

(Sorry, frikin out rn! SO CUTE neheiebwkwj)

                    {After training}
  We were walking the the cafeteria. Enough of the stress of training. Just because I wanted some got chocolate. Mmmm. The nice warm taste of hot chocolate.... made me drool almost. The thought came to me, It was getting a little cold outside. Wondering. If the battle would be cold.

(Holy crap. I just realized- I'm putting a lot of tips and inspirational stuff (~o_0~)

"Hanzo" I called his name.

"Yes?" He looked at me. We were still walking.

"When is the-" I then got cut off by someone jumping on my back.

A loud giggle in my ears, I new who it was by the giggle. Hanzo peeked up, then wiped around.

"Hello, Jesse!" Lena smiled. Lena's small freckles were almost dancing on her bright pink cheeks. Her short spiky hair shining as the sun hit it.

"Howdy, Lena." I greeted her.

"How is ya guys day so far?" She jumped off my back. Crossing her arms.

"Easy-going.." Hanzo replied shortly after the question Lena gave.

"Fine for me." I smirked looking at Hanzo, making Him look at me, then blush. Hanzo quickly looked away.

Lena chuckled. "Well, see ya lads lata'!" She blinked off. I chuckled too, waving to her as she blinked. She was so nice and cheery.

"Now y'all know what I'm doin' tonight!" I said, giving the idea of getting drunk. Hanzo looked at me with a questioning expression. Shrugging, we walked off.

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