Back Then

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all illustration is done by yours truly~


I haven't seen her in a long time. I miss her. I hate her.

Miss her.

Hate her.

What do I do with out her?

I punch the walls.

I think about her a lot.

I can't afford fix the holes.

Her eyes, her ambition.

I don't have much money.

Rich, luxury. That what she was.

Here I am, sitting alone. Whatever happened? Me, her, us. We did things wrong-

We did things right.

The good ol days. Running around and having fun. Weren't we the troublemakers, the surprise. We had a thing, a connection. Then it snapped. I remembered that day like any other. It was only a split second.


"I told you to get rest! We are campin' here for the night! And be quiet!" A cocky female voice shouted.

The night was silent except for a sound of motor bikes and their gurgling.
Gurgle gurgle.
The rattlesnakes were chattering
Men fighting, shouting, beating each other.
"I said QUIET DOWN!" 
Her name is Ashe, Elizabeth Caledonia. Though when you'd call her that...

"Elizabeth!-" a man yelled, his face hidden behind some dusty yellow rag and a hand band.
Ashe looked over at him slowly, her face slowly swelling up with anger, but the smallest voice came out, calmly.
"What did you just call me?" She narrowed her eyes at the man who was clearly taller than her.
"I didn't mean too!" He excused. Shaking like a little chihuahua in a blizzard.
"I told you to never call me that!" Ashe raised up her fist, ready to show him a lesson. Then a gloved hand grabbed her pale fist.
"Now, Ashe. Do ya really wanna risk one to risk all for tomorrow mornin'?"
McCree, Jesse McCree said. Young, devilsome, charming. Everything a bad boy is.
"Jesse- you know you can't just stop me like that- erm but again you are right." She turned to Jesse.
"Windull, it's fine now. Everyone go rest! We can make it by mornin'" Jesse exclaimed. He got a bit close to Ashe, not letting her hand go. Though Ashe ripped her hand out of his grasp and got real real close, like chest to chest.
"I really don't like it when you take charge. I am the leader, the master, the alpha. You are just a follower, a sight seer." She said, her impatience was growing.
"Don't forget about that night. I was a sight to see after all." He muttered, winking.
Ashe widened her eyes, her pupils were full of flutter. "Now it's your fault that you came in on me like that! You should've knocked first!" She would quiet down more as members looked over.
"Well, Ashe, the gang is all roweled up after your fit again." Jesse said. He placed his hands on his buckled waist.
She turned away from him, taking a few steps. It was like she was plotting, thinking, solving. But Ashe was always like that, serious and crude.
"Come with me, McCree." She said, gives the signal with her hand to follow.

The stars swirled at the top of the cliff that looked over a town. The town was lit up, laughter was heard. It was like a party down there. It sounded nice.
The smell of roast pig and jerky, the moist air of water and maybe beer? They probably have loads a beer. This is the town they'd rob in the morning. Why the morning? Because everyone is partying, they'd all have a nice sleep from being drunk all night. They wouldn't notice a thing.
Ashe planned it out just right, she knew when to go, what to do.

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