Gotta catch a Nidoran! || Chapter 2

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"WOO!! Come on, Pikachu, let's go!" I raced down down the path of Route 1, through the grass, as Pikachu slowly followed behind. Professor Oak told me that Pikachu didn't like being in his Pokeball, so I should simply let him stay out and have him follow me...And honestly? I was fine with that! It just meant that me and Pikachu could be together...All the time! YEAH!!
"Pikachu, I have so many plans for us!" I say, smiling. "We gotta head to Viridian City and find some trainers to fight, and-Ooh! There's even a gym there we can check out too! Then we can go to the Pokemart, and but whatever we want...Then afterwards we can go home and I'll introduce you to my mom! Ooh, this is just so exciting! Sorry if I'm talking too fast Pikachu, I just-" I turned to Pikachu, who, for some reason, didn't look pretty happy. Only just looking away with a frown on his face.
"Pikachu, are you ok?" My face fell, as I kneeled down to his level. "Are you sick or something?"
"...Pika..." Pikachu only responded with a low grumble, crossing his little arms.
"Are you hungry? Or...Tired?" I asked. Pikachu nodded no. Alright, I was just confused now...Pikachu seemed fine, but he was still in a bad mood for some reason.
Wait a minute...That battle we had earlier...Was Pikachu weak and hurt from that?!
"Oh no, you must be hurt!" I quickly scoop up Pikachu into my arms, dashing towards the direction of Viridian City. "Don't worry Pikachu, I'm gonna get you some help...We just gotta find the Pokemon Center!" I always knew that's were I was supposed to go if my Pokemon were hurt...Just gotta find the building...With the red roof. After a quick run, I arrived at the entrance of Viridian City, a town that was much bigger then my hometown. I continued running until I quickly found the Pokemon Center, walking into the building, towards the front desk as I gently placed Pikachu onto the desk.
"Nurse...I think my Pikachu might need help!" I say, as a Nurse at the front desk eyes Pikachu, picking him up and bringing him to another room. Man, I really hope Pikachu's gonna be ok...

A few minutes later...
"Mister, I just finished checking up on your Pikachu, and he seems to be just fine!" The Nurse says to me, already walking out pretty fast. "He was a little banged up, I'm guessing from a fight. I just had to give him a potion is all!"
...Whoops. Well, this was embarrassing.
"Aw man, I'm so sorry miss!" I say apologetically. "I-I just got that Pikachu today, and I didn't know what was up with him, so I..."
"Hey, it's ok, don't worry about it!" The Nurse gives a warm smile. "New Trainers can't always be sure...You can always buy potions at the Pokemart next time your Pikachu isn't too weak! And this Pokemon Center is always free to visit, so come back anytime for more serious matters!"
The Pokemart? Hmm, I was planning on going there anyways...I'm glad this Nurse was nice enough to help me out!
"Alright...Thanks so much, Nurse!" I waved goodbye, as me and Pikachu walked out of the building. "Heh, guess I overreacted a bit there, didn't I Pikachu?" I awkwardly rub the back of my neck, as Pikachu rolls his eyes at me.
"Ooh, that must be the Pokemart!" I point to a building, that looked similar to the Pokemon Center, but with a blue roof. "Come on!" We quickly run into the building, as I walk around, looking at the assortment of items. The assortment was pretty small, being mostly regular Pokeballs, potions, and status curing items...But it had the items I wanted, so I was satisfied! I grabbed a couple of potions, bringing them to the front desk...
"Alright...Heres my..." But I rummaged through my pockets, and forgot something...Extremely important...
"Aw, man...I'm broke!" I mutter, slumping my head down. I couldn't see his face, but I bet Pikachu was rolling my eyes right behind me.
"Sorry kid...Can't give you these without any money." The man at the register says.
"Ugh, I know, sorry..." I say.
"Hey, wait a minute..." The man eyes me curiously. "Aren't you from Pallet Town?"
"Uh, yeah...Why?" I ask, looking back up. The man doesn't answer, as he grabs a small box from behind the counter, handing it to me.
"You must know Professor Oak then...This package arrived for him today...Could you bring it to him?" The man asks, as I grab the box from his grasp.
"Uh, sure..." I respond, looking down at Pikachu.
"Come on, little buddy...Let's go deliver this package real quick!"

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