Two fierce battles: Vs. Blaine and Giovanni! || Chapter 26

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WOO!! It's a brand new day, and you know what that means? I'm finally able to continue on with my adventure! Man, I am so pumped to finally take on the last two gyms... My team is so strong now, and I know that whatever those gym leaders throw at me... We'll be ready! Just need to stay focused, keep my eye on the prize... And head for the seventh gym. I know it's in Cinnabar Island, which I can reach just from heading south on the beaches of Fushcia City, then across from the ocean...
I ended up making my journey across the ocean, riding through the waters on Blastoise's back... Along the way we fought a bunch of trainers and my team got a bit exhausted, so we stopped for a break on these islands for a bit. There was a sign there, saying that these were called the Seafoam Islands... I remember hearing about these islands a while back, and there were rumors that Articuno lived here... I searched around the islands for a bit to look for it, but saw no signs of Articuno, which sucked, cause I really wanted to say hi, see how it was doing after that whole Team Rocket fiasco... Eh, but I guess it's not that big of a deal. I captured a Seel, a Slowpoke, and a Jynx in there though, so I didn't leave completely empty handed... I also did some fishing and caught a Shelder as well! I can look for Articuno another time...
...Anyways, after finishing up my break, I continued surfing through the ocean, eventually making my way to Cinnabar Island. I was originally gonna challenge the gym today, but my team was pretty exhausted, so I decided to go there tomorrow instead, and look around the town for a bit. And I gotta say... The island was pretty small, but it had a lot of cool things there! I found this lab that actually had the power to revive fossils, and turn them back into living Pokèmon, which is so... AWESOME!! I had this Amber and a Helix Fossil that I was actually able to revive into Pokémon! They turned into an Aerodactyl, and an Omanyte... I just couldn't believe it! My own extinct Pokémon... Professor Oak's gonna be proud of me for this one!
After that I also saw some creepy mansion, that looked like it was abandoned. It was called Cinnabar Mansion... Honestly, I didn't go in there at all, that place gave me the creeps... After that I just had dinner, went to bed, and now here I am... At the Cinnabar gym, where I stood in front of the gym leader Blaine...
"Nice to meet you, challenger! Your names Sam, correct?" Blaine asked.
"Yup! And I'm ready to get my seventh gym badge!" I confidently reply.
"Hahah! That's a fiery spirit on you kid, I love it!" Blaine chuckled, smirking as he held up a Poke ball. "But I'll be the judge of who wins this battle. One this is for sure... You better have a burn heal!"
"Then let the battle between gym leader Blaine, and challenger Sam... BEGIN!!"
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Alright, so this is a fire-type gym. Blastoise will help me out here, but I should avoid using Venusaur...
Sam: "Let's go, Blastoise!"
Blaine: "Let's burn em up, Growlithe! Use Take Down!"
Sam: "Use Surf, Blastoise!"
With just that one attack, combined with Take Down's recoil, Growlithe was already sturggling to stand up...
Sam: "Finish em off, Blastoise! Use Bite!"
Blaine: "Take Down, Growlithe! Quickly!"
Growlithe landed the Take Down, but Blastoise quickly used Bite, knocking him out.
Blaine: "Alright Ponyta, you're up next! Let's burn em up!"

Blaine: "Alright Ponyta, you're up next! Let's burn em up!"

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