Operation: Rescue Deoxys || Chapter 35

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"Urgh... What the...?" It was the middle of the night, and I suddenly felt myself being awoken by a loud crashing noise somewhere outside. I sat up in my bed, looking down at Pikachu, who was looking at me nervously. "You heard it too, huh buddy?"
"Pika..." Pikachu nervously nodded. I looked over at Ethan in his bed, who was still asleep. He must be a heavy sleeper. "Come on, buddy. Let's go find out what that noise was."
I didn't wanna wake up Ethan if it wasn't something serious, so me and Pikachu left our hotel room, going outside and looking out in the sky. It looked like in the far distance away, there was a bit of smoke...? It was so far away, but I couldn't smell any smoke or fire in the air or anything, so I'm not sure if it was smoke or not. Maybe it was dust particles from something crashing? I don't know...
Out of nowhere, I suddenly felt some arms grab me, a muscular hand clasping over my mouth and nose. I tried fighting back, but this person was pretty strong, and I could slowly feel myself getting weaker... Slowly... Losing consciousness...
"...Glad I could finally get my hands on you again, kid." I heard a deep voice speak to me. Wait a minute, that voice sounded familiar to me...
"PIKA!!" Pikachu tried to lunge at the person, but the person whacked Pikachu, knocking him to the ground. "Pikachu... No..."
Pikachu tried to stand back up, but the person kicked him, knocking Pikachu into a nearby pond... That was the last thing I saw...
...Before I lost consciousness.

The next morning...
Ethan's POV...
"Urgh..." I woke up, hearing what sounded like some commotion going on outside. "Hey Sam, do you-" I looked over at Sam's bed, seeing that it was empty. Weird... What's going on outside, anyways? I need to find out.
I quickly got out of bed, leaving the hotel room and going outside, to see a group of employees, surrounding... Pikachu? Pikachu looked pretty angry, all the employees looking like they were trying to either calm him down, or grab him.
"Whoa, hey! What's going on here?" I asked, approaching the group.
"This Pikachu's been trying to get inside the hotel all day!" One of the employee's says. "And it refuses to relax! Is this Pikachu supposed to be yours?"
"No, it's my friend's Pikachu, you can let him in! Come here, Pikachu..."
"Pika! Pika pi!" Pikachu ran between everyone's legs, running up to me and into my arms, whimpering as he clutched onto me.
"Whoops. Uh, sorry about that." Another employee says, all of them going back inside.
"Pikachu, what's going on? Where's Sam?"
"Pika!" Pikachu jumped out of my arms, running as he motions for me to follow him. I quickly followed Pikachu around the corner of the building, seeing that one of Pikachu's poke balls was on the ground, with some footprints in the area.
"Weird... Did something happen to Sam?" I asked.
"Pika!" Pikachu nodded yes. "Pika... Pika pi pikachu..." Pikachu started speaking, looking like he was trying to act out something. He made a motion where he grabbed one hand tightly with the other, then pointing to his Poke ball.
"Are you trying to tell me... Did Sam get... Taken by someone?" I asked.
"Pika!" Pikachu nodded yes. Pikachu then suddenly reached into my pocket, grabbing the wanted posted for Jackson and unfolding it.
"Oh no... Jackson took him?"
"Pika..." Pikachu whimpered, nodding yes.
"Oh no..." I felt a chill run down my spine, feeling my body tense up with nerves. "This isn't good... But don't worry Pikachu, we'll find a way to get Sam back." I picked up Pikachu and his Poke ball, Pikachu whimpering as he leaned his head against my chest. I walked back inside of the lobby of the hotel, where we could see crowds of people who were all talking pretty loudly. There was a TV on the wall, which had a news report on it, which read: Breaking News: Metorite crashed in the Tanoby Ruins.
"A meteorite crash last night? And I didn't hear it? Man, I must be a heavy sleeper..."
"Pika pi! Pi!" Pikachu perked up, repeatedly pointing at the TV screen.
"Hm? What is it, Pikachu? You wanna go to that metorite?" I asked, Pikachu nodded yes. I pulled out my map, looking down at it. "Tanoby Ruins isn't too far away. Alright then... Let's head over there right now."

Sam's POV...
"...Urgh..." I slowly felt myself waking up, my body feeling a bit stiff. I quickly realized why when I tried to move my arms, realizing that they were tied up with rope, my legs also bound together as well. I looked around, noticing that I was on a boat. What was going on here?! Wait, I remember what happened last night...
"Ah, you're finally awake." I saw someone step out from inside of the boat... It was that familiar bounty hunter, Jackson.
"Jackson..." I glared up at him. "Wh-why would you kidnap me? What's wrong with you?"
"I said I wouldn't go easy on you next time we met up..." Jackson says, kneeling down to my level. "And I'll say, I had no idea you were the champion of the Kanto region until recently. And now that I've discovered this little fact, I knew exactly what to do..."
"...Ugh..." I tried moving my hands, feeling that the pocket that I usually kept my Poke balls was now empty. "Oh no... What..."
"...Looking for these?" Jackson held up my Poke balls. "Sadly you're not getting your team back anytime soon. A champion team like yours is gonna make me a lot of money... I've put them on auction recently and I've already received a lot of high bids on them!"
"No..." I felt so nervous and horrified just at the idea. Wait a minute... I looked over at the Poke balls he was holding, noticing that he was only holding five of them... He was missing Pikachu's Poke ball.
"Pfft, what, you could only get a hold of five of my teammates?" I say, mocking him. "If you ask me, it doesn't make sense to only sell five of them..."
"Pfft, whatever..." Jackson simply rolled his eyes at me. "I'll get ahold of your stupid little Pikachu another time. Right now I have more important things to do."
If Pikachu's not here, he must still be with Ethan. I'm glad he's safe then. Man, I really hope those two are able to find me soon...
"So, you heard that crash last night, right?" Jackson asks.
"Um, of course I did. Anyone with ears would have heard it." I say sarcastically, Jackson rolling his eyes.
"...Anyways, that crash was from a meteorite that crashed in the Tanoby Ruins." Jackson continued. "The legendary Pokémon Deoxys is inside of that meteorite, and that Pokémon is gonna be mine real soon." Jackson then goes back inside of the boat.
Legendary... Pokémon? Woah... I wish I could be happy about seeing such a rare Pokémon, but... I'm terrified right now. I don't know what Jackson is gonna do to me, or what's gonna happen next, but...
I just really hope Ethan finds me soon.

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