Ethan and the Crystal Onix || Chapter 32

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Another day of exploring the Sevii Islands... Man, I'm so excited!
Today I decided to head over to Three Island... I was talking to that man at the game corner this morning, and he still hadn't seen his daughter Lostelle return home yet, so now would be a good opportunity to look for her on the island, since the man said she was here... I remember when I was looking at the map for this island, it also looked a bit bigger than the first two islands I visited, so maybe I'll be able to find some more rare Pokémon here... Ooh, I really hope so!
Upon arriving on the island, I first arrived in a small town, but saw something that I wasn't really expecting to see. A close distance away, I could see this gang of bikers, who were surrounding these two guys. Man, this looks like trouble. I show probably help them out... Man, these bikers kind've scare me, though. They remind me a lot of this one biker gang back in Kanto that I ran away from once... But hey, I've changed a lot since then. I'm so much stronger now! I'm the freaking Kanto champion for Arceus sake! I'm not gonna let some group of stupid biker bullies scare me!!
I quickly approached what was going on, listening into the conversation between one of the men, and one of the bikers.
"J-just go back to Kanto and leave us alone already!" The man says. "You've all been doing nothing but causing trouble on these islands, and everyone is sick of it!"
"Pfft, what's with the hostile attitude? We just got here..." The biker scoffed, pausing as he looked around the town. "Look at this place... What do you even do around here for entertainment, anyways? You ought to be thanking us for livening up this sleepy village..."
"Hey! Leave these people alone already!" I snapped at the biker, gaining the gang's attention as they all looked over to me.
"Hey, why don't butt out of our buisness, kid?" One of the bikers threatened. "Unless you wanna fight, but I'm warning you..."
"Yeah? Well I'm not scared of you." I hissed.
"Heheh, I like your guts, kid..." The biker smirked. "But sadly... You'll be losing to me."

Sometime later...
I ended up having to battle a couple of the bikers, defeating them without breaking too much of a sweat. After the first two battles I ended up fighting their boss, who I also defeated.
"Man, what the heck? How is this kid so strong?!" One of the bikers looked pretty shocked, their boss sighing in annoyance.
"Tch, whatever. Guess we'll have to go..." The boss says. "But we won't forget about this next time we run into you, kid." And with that, the whole gang left.
"Wow, thanks so much for helping us out, kid!" One of the men thanks me. "You must be new around here, right? I've never seen you before. I wish someone as strong as you lived here... Is there any way we can thank you for helping us?"
"Uh, yeah, actually. You see, there's this little girl named Lostelle here, and I need to help her dad look for her here..." I explain. "Any chance you've seen her around lately?"
"Lostelle? Oh yeah, I know who she is... I saw her going off to Bond Bridge last night." The man says, pointing off to a nearby path in the distance. "The bridge is right down that path. Just be careful if you have to head into Berry Forest to look for her. There's some pretty dangerous Pokémon in those woods..."
"I will... Thank you!"

Sometime later...
I headed down to Bond Bridge, fighting a few trainers in the area. However, I still hadn't seen any sign of Lostelle just yet, so that meant I had to search Berry Forest next. I know that man warned me about dangerous Pokémon in the forest, but hey, I have a champion team with me, so I won't be afraid of some random wild Pokémon...
Anyways, I arrived at the forest, looking around for a bit. The forest was a little dark and creepy looking but it had a bunch of berry trees in it, with berries littered all over the ground. Some of these berries looked like some useful ones, so I took my time to pick up and collect a few while I was looking around...
"PIKA!! PIKA PI!!" But while I was looking around, Pikachu suddenly started panicking and freaking out.
"What's wrong Pikachu?! I-" I froze when I turned around... Only to be faced with a wild Hypno. Oh no... Not a Hypno... I wanted to grab a Pokeball and attack, but... I started having flashbacks from the Hypno back in Saffron City, and I just... I froze, unable to do anything. The Hypno practically glared at me, looking like it was about to attack...
I suddenly heard a voice from out of nowhere...

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