Through Viridian Forest... || Chapter 3

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Losing to Blue like that kind've sucked...But you know what? I'm not gonna let it ruin my day! I've got big plans for today!
Anyways, I checked out the Pokédex Professor Oak gave me today...And man, this thing is awesome! It has information on all the Pokemon I've already caught, and even shows the levels and moves of Nidoran and Pikachu! I've set it to automatically beep whenever any of my teammates level up, learn a new move, or when I catch and find new Pokemon!
Heh, anyways, enough of that...Besides filling up the Pokédex, I also have my plans to battle all of the gyms, and, coincidentally, there's a gym in Viridian City! Only problem is...YOU NEED ALL THE OTHER BADGES BEFORE YOU CAN FIGHT THERE!! Man...
...It's not all bad news, though! There's another gym in a nearby city, known as Pewter City, and you don't need any badges to challenge that gym! But what's my obstacle there?
...I gotta get through Viridian Forest to reach the city. I don't know what that forest is gonna be like, so I trained Pikachu and Nidoran a bit in Route 1 for a bit to be sure they were ready. Pikachu did fine training, but Nidoran was still too nervous to fight any Pokemon, so we just had him attacking an old stump. And, about Pikachu...Pikachu was already getting along great with Nidoran, and becoming pretty good friends with him. He was still acting a bit grumpy around me, though. I hope that changes soon...
...Anyways, me and Pikachu stood at the entrance of Viridian Forest, finally ready to go through. I counted a few potions in my bag that I bought earlier, just in case. I was lucky my mom gave me some money to buy these earlier.
"Alright, Pikachu...You ready?" I looked down at Pikachu, who nodded with determination.
"Alright, then...LETS DO THIS!! RAAAAHHH!!" I suddenly yelled, charging through the gated entrance in a flash...Now arriving in the forest. "Whoa..." I looked around Viridian Forest, which was pretty vast and dark, where I couldn't even see the sun anymore. It was also a bit cooler in the forest, as I felt a light, cold breeze past by me.
"Alright...Don't worry Pikachu, we got this!" I say, looking down at him. "Just think of this as our first real challenge as Pokemon masters...And as long as we got eachother, we'll be fine! Who knows, maybe we could even find some rare Pokémon here too...What do you think, Pikachu?" Pikachu didn't respond, only holding a blank expression as he looked around the forest...
"Pika!" Before Pikachu pointed to a far away tree, at a smaller Pokemon who was munching on some leaves...

"Pika!" Before Pikachu pointed to a far away tree, at a smaller Pokemon who was munching on some leaves

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...My Pokédex identified it as a Caterpie. "Whoa...You wanna catch that Caterpie? Ok! That shouldn't be too hard...Let's do this..."
"Pika." But Pikachu shook his head no. I cocked my head at him in confusion, as Pikachu hopped up, tapping on Nidoran's Pokeball attached to my belt.
"Ohh...You want Nidoran to fight instead?" I asked, Pikachu nodding his head yes. I get it now...Pikachu wants Nidoran to fight instead, so he can gain more confidence and experience! Aww, Pikachu is so sweet, isnt he?
"Alright...But stay close by just in case Nidoran needs help." I say, Pikachu nodding. I then hold up Nidoran's Pokeball, as I slowly creep towards the tree, being unnoticed by the Caterpie...
"GO, NIDORAN!! YOU GOT THIS!!" I quickly release Nidoran from his ball, who squeaks nervously, looking around...
"Nidoran! Use tackle on the tree!" Nidoran charged at the tree, making it shake as Caterpie fell to the ground, looking around in confusion. "Nido?!" Nidoran then jumped away from Caterpie, backing away a bit. "Nidoran, it's fine! It's just a little bug Pokemon, you've got this! Use Tackle!" Nidoran looked at me curiously and nodded, attacking the Caterpie. Caterpie then used String Shot, getting some sticky webs stuck to Nidoran's feet. "Use tackle one more time!" I shout.
"NIDOOO!!" Nidoran squeezed his eyes shut, squeaking loudly as he attacked Caterpie again, who was now struggling to stand up.
"Alright, nows my chance...HYAH!!" I quickly grab an empty Pokeball, chucking it at the Caterpie as it goes inside...
...1 shake...
...2 shakes...
...3 shakes...
"Oh my gosh....Nidoran, you actually DID IT!!"
"Pika pi!" Both me and Pikachu cheered happily, as I scooped up and hugged Nidoran. who looked genuinely confused by what just happened. "Nido?! Nido nido!" Then, Nidoran squeaked happily, waving his arms around in excitement as he finally looked happy for the first time. "See, Nidoran! I told you you could do it!" I say, giggling happily. Nidoran then hopped out of my arms, looking around the forest.
"Hm? You wanna look for more Pokemon to fight, Nidoran?" I asks.
"Nido nido!" Nidoran nodded his head yes, happily jumping up and down with a confident expression. Ha, looks like that fight finally gave him some confidence! Sweet! "Alright, Nidoran...Guess I can't argue with you!" I stood up, fiercely pointing in another direction. "Let's find more Pokémon to fight! Er...If we can actually find any."

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