Christmas Special: 🍋love between lion and owl🍋

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{narrator's POV}

Narrator:*happily sighs* "Christmas, the most Jolly holiday season of the year" then shows of what was happening.

Narrator:"there's people being nice to each other, there's Christmas parties and even Christmas concerts!"

Narrator:"but that's not of who or what we're looking at, what and who we're looking at are the saviours of the Multiverse. And they're known as kyurangers"

Narrator:"and they're all in space in a ship called the Orion"

Narrator:"and they're all in space in a ship called the Orion"

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Narrator:"let's check inside shall we?"

{Kyuranger's POV}

[Inside the Orion]

Sergil:"good morning everyone"


Sergil:"I made you all breakfast" then shows everyone of what he made.

Sergil:"I made you all breakfast" then shows everyone of what he made

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Everyone was awestruck at the food Sergil made for them.

Sergil:"well What are you guys waiting for?, Come and pick what you want!"


Everyone was just eating and were chatting each other on what they're doing since it's Christmas Eve.

Tokuro:"so what do you guys plan on doing?"

Karma:"oh, my school is having a Christmas party"

Sergil:"well I'm making special Christmas meals at my restaurant for the customers to have, and maybe you guys can come to!"

William:"sorry, but I have some place to be"

Alyx:(complains)"aw come on! You always say that you have some place to go!"

William:"well too bad cause I do"

Akira:"I'm just gonna help out at karma's school, [looks at tokuro] I hope that you're fine with it"

Tokuro:"oh I'm totally fine with it"

Akira:*smiles* "thanks lucky"

Joe:"well, me and Shiro are helping our sisters to prepare the Christmas concert they're releasing tonight"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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