Episode 4: Black and Gold Dancers/The Mechanic fight

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[Alyx narrating]

Alyx:"Hello everyone! My name is Alyx Yoshioka, also known as the Shinobi Star Hero: Chameleon Green!"

Alyx:"previously of what happened, the children and as well as Tokuro's brother had been kidnapped by Moretsuyoindaver"

Alyx:"until the heroes of U.A helped them get them back and that's where I got my Powers"

Alyx:"now I'm on a journey with them to look for other members for our team, and like lucky said. Good luck!"

[Narrating end]

{3rd POV}

After 3 days, Tokuro and the others stopped by eating some cake from a cafe.

Alyx:"mmmm, this is good cake" as she takes another bite.

Karma:"I know!" And takes two more bites.

Tokuro:"hey! Be careful, you'll choke on it"


After they pay for the cakes, the group went back out to look for new members.

Alyx:*sighs* "this is so hard"

William:"tell me about it"

The group were in a slump, until Tokuro stepped on a letter which he picked up and looked inside.

Tokuro:"....o-oh my gosh"

Alyx:"what is it?"

Tokuro:"I got tickets for the four of us to see a band! But it's bad"

William:"how, and why should we care?"

Tokuro then shows them something on the ticket.

Tokuro then shows them something on the ticket

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William:"oh.... Jark Matter?"


Alyx:"so is their band a bunch of foot soldiers?"

Tokuro:"I don't know... But we need to check it out"


[Opening time]

[Opening over]

{3rd POV}

The others were able to get inside and joined the crowd to see the band.

William:"this is a lot of people"

Alyx:"you hate people?"

William:"no, I just hate crowds"

Tokuro:"guys.....the concert is starting" they listened and looks at the stage.

The lights are turning on until then it reveals the announcer for the concert.

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