Episode 14.5: a Aqua Rider's journey

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{3rd POV}

After the five kyurangers and Ivan left to go do the mission, the other four left to go do normal things leaving George, Ryu and Shou alone in the office.

George:"oh, I forgot something. *To Ryu* yo Ryu"

Ryu:"What is it George?"

George:"I actually need you to come with me on a mission"

Ryu:"what's the mission about? Getting new dna to make a new vistamp?"

George:"not exactly, there's a new artifact on the island I located which could help me create a new rider system"

Ryu:"alright, so when do we begin?"

George:"right now actually, I already have a boat set up for us" as he starts walking out of the office.

Ryu:"well that was convenient"

Shou:"it is, I wish you good luck son"

Ryu:"you got it dad" Then he left to go to George.

Shou then went to work on his computer.

{Ryu's POV}

I looked around outside of the base until I eventually found George who's next to a boat.

George:"oi Ryu! Over Here!" Then I walked up to him and the boat.

Me:"nice boat you got here" which I tapped on the boat.

George:"thanks, I had some of the people in W.A.R made this for when we have missions just across from us"

Then I got on the boat as I went to the steering wheel.

Me:"alright, give me the map and I'll take us there"

George:"sure thing, also I brought myself a few stuff in case we get hungry or get into Jark Matter trouble" as I saw him brought out a tablet and a suitcase, along with a bag of food then gave me the map which I looked at it.

Me:"ah I see. Now, Let's go" as I turn on the engine and start driving the boat.

{3rd POV}

Ryu was driving through the sea on the boat while George was sliding a bit in the boat.

George:"woah! *slides a bit* be careful"

Ryu:"don't worry, I got it"

A sea rock appears as Ryu drifts pass it.

George:"have you driven a boat before?"

Ryu:"no, but I have drive a jetski before so the two are similar to drive"

George:"oh yeah, it's like how your biological father uses a jetski"

Ryu:"yep, you can say i inherited his driving skill" As he drives faster while George got so scare of ryu driving the boat like a formula car.

*10 minutes later*

George:"hey hey hey hey! Slow down!"

Then Ryu stops as they eventually arrived at the island.

Ryu:"we're here"

George:"oh good" then he got of the boat and lands on the sand as he breathes.

Ryu:"I'm surprise that you didn't barfed after that ride"

George:"well... I've went on fast vehicles before"

Ryu:"oh...... Well we should get going"

George:"right" as he brought a tracker which looks like Akira's and George is using to find where the artifact is.

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