Episode 2: The Hot-Headed Star Wolf

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[Tokuro narrating]

Tokuro:"hello everyone! My name is Tokuro Luckison, but some of my friends and family call me Lucky cause I'm the luckiest man in the world!"

Tokuro:"previously of what happened, I discovered that every universe has combined with my universe making it multiversal world"

Tokuro:"then I discovered that Jark Matter has appeared in my world! But not just that, but I also turned into Shishi Red!"

Tokuro:"now me and my brother karma are on a journey of where we can find the next members of our team, Good luck!"

[Narration end]

{Tokuro's POV}

Me and my brother were eating hot dogs we got from the hot dog stand for lunch.

Karma:"hmmm, it's a bit hard to find another kyuranger than I thought"

Me:"we've only been out here for a day!.... So we haven't started yet"

Karma:"oh.... sorry, it's just...."

Me:"Jark Matter has appeared in our world?"


Me:"well don't worry bro, after we get the members we need we'll be able to fix everything"

Karma:"..... you're right bro"

Me:"good [eats the last of the hot dog] now how about we go get some ice cream?"


I chuckled and we both started making our way to the ice cream truck.

[Somewhere else, 3rd POV]

There was a boy who is practicing his combat skills in a forest but hasn't had his face revealed yet.

????:"heh, there we go. I'm more skillful as ever" he went down to get something off the floor and revealed what he got.

????:"I swear dad, that I will find and surpass you" he puts it back in his pocket and starts walking

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????:"I swear dad, that I will find and surpass you" he puts it back in his pocket and starts walking.

While the boy was walking he saw a portal appeared.

????:".....okay what the fuck?" He walked to investigate, until he feel the portal sucking him in.

????:"oh shi-" he fully sucked in until the portal disappeared.

[Opening time]

[Opening over]

{Tokuro's POV}

I was able to get ice cream for me and my brother, I gave him Strawberry ice cream while I got myself Neapolitan ice cream.

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