Episode 17: The Arrival of the Destroyer of Galaxies

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[Noah Narrating]

Noah:"hello everyone, my name is Noah Nogami. Also known as Kamen Rider Den-O"

Noah:"previously of what has happened, Tokuro and the others went on a mission to search for someone's friends and brother which they later met four Imagins and Negataros"

Noah:"they were having a little trouble but then me and my girlfriends arrived to help them out which we won, then they asked us we can join fighting against Jark Matter and we accepted the offer"

Noah:"and as my new friend would say... Good luck.... I wish I have good luck"

[Narration end]

Shou was welcoming the Den-O riders while Tokuro & his friends were saying goodbye to the former Scammers along with Baron & Lily.

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