Chapter 6: A Broken Silver Serpent

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[Sergil's Narrating]

Sergil:"Bonjour Everyone! My name is Sergil Ainsley, Also known as Kajiki Yellow!"

Sergil:"now previously of what happened, I was cooking for a town that was about to starve to death by Jark matter and I needed to help them"

Sergil:"Then Tokuro and his friends who are my friends too arrived to help me feed the town and successfully did it, while destroy the Daikan that made them like that"

Sergil:"now I joined them on their adventures to defeat Jark Matter, and like my friend said. Good luck!"

[Narrating end]

{3rd POV}

Sergil:"Okay everyone! I made you all pizza!" As he places the pizzas on the bench.

Sergil:"Okay everyone! I made you all pizza!" As he places the pizzas on the bench

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Shiro:"They look so delicious!"

Joe:"Uh, what the fuck is that?"

Tokuro:"okay 1. Language, and 2. It's pizza"

Joe:"I know what pizza is *points* but what's that?!"

Joe:"I know what pizza is *points* but what's that?!"

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Shiro:".....bro seriously, Hawaiian pizza?"

Tokuro:"Hey! It tastes good!"

William:"well I don't really care what you put on a pizza so it's okay in my book

Alyx:" guys have weird taste"

Karma:"can we stop talking about it and just eat?"


And they all started eating the pizza.

[Opening time]

[Opening over]

{3rd POV}

The Rangers were walking while talking to either find Jark Matter or a Ranger for them to join.

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